'use strict' //read a number of items and then stop. module.exports = function take (test, opts) { opts = opts || {} var last = opts.last || false // whether the first item for which !test(item) should still pass var ended = false if('number' === typeof test) { last = true var n = test; test = function () { return --n } } return function (read) { function terminate (cb) { read(true, function (err) { last = false; cb(err || true) }) } return function (end, cb) { if(ended) last ? terminate(cb) : cb(ended) else if(ended = end) read(ended, cb) else read(null, function (end, data) { if(ended = ended || end) { //last ? terminate(cb) : cb(ended) } else if(!test(data)) { ended = true last ? cb(null, data) : terminate(cb) } else cb(null, data) }) } } }