var nest = require('depnest') var h = require('mutant/h') var isString= require('lodash/isString') var maxBy= require('lodash/maxBy') var markdown = require('ssb-markdown') var ref = require('ssb-ref') var htmlEscape = require('html-escape') function renderEmoji (emoji, url) { if (!url) return ':' + emoji + ':' return ` :${htmlEscape(emoji)}: ` } = nest('app.html.blogCard', true) exports.needs = nest({ '': 'first', 'history.sync.push': 'first', 'about.obs.color': 'first', '': 'first', 'about.html.avatar': 'first', 'translations.sync.strings': 'first', 'unread.sync.isUnread': 'first', '': 'first', 'message.html.timeago': 'first', 'blob.sync.url': 'first', 'emoji.sync.url': 'first', 'message.html.title': 'first', 'message.html.summary': 'first', 'message.html.thumbnail': 'first', }) exports.create = function (api) { //render markdown, but don't support patchwork@2 style mentions or custom emoji right now. function render (source) { return markdown.block(source, { emoji: (emoji) => { return renderEmoji(emoji, api.emoji.sync.url(emoji)) }, toUrl: (id) => { if (ref.isBlob(id)) return api.blob.sync.url(id) return id }, imageLink: (id) => id }) } //render the icon for a blog. //it would be more depjecty to split this //into two methods, one in a private plugin //one in a channel plugin function blogIcon (msg) { if(msg.value.private) { const myId = return msg.value.content.recps .map(link => isString(link) ? link : .filter(link => link !== myId) .map(link => api.about.html.avatar) } else if( return '#' } // REFACTOR: move this to a template? function buildRecipientNames (blog) { const myId = return blog.value.content.recps .map(link => isString(link) ? link : .filter(link => link !== myId) .map( } return nest('app.html.blogCard', (blog, opts = {}) => { var strings = api.translations.sync.strings() if(!blog.value) return const lastReply = blog.replies && maxBy(blog.replies, r => r.timestamp) const goToBlog = () => api.history.sync.push(blog) const onClick = opts.onClick || goToBlog const id = `${blog.key.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '')}` //-${JSON.stringify(opts)}` // id is only here to help morphdom morph accurately const { content, author } = blog.value var img = h('Thumbnail') var image = api.message.html.thumbnail(blog) if(image) { //Hey this works! fit an image into a specific size (see blog-card.mcss) //centered, and scaled to fit the square (works with both landscape and portrait!) //This is functional css not opinionated css, so all embedded. = 'background-image: url("'+api.blob.sync.url(image)+'"); background-position:center; background-size: cover;' } else { var style = { 'background-color': api.about.obs.color(blog.key) } img = h('Thumbnail -empty', { style }, [ h('i.fa.fa-file-text-o') ]) } const className = blog.unread ? '-unread': '' var b = h('BlogCard', { id, className, 'ev-click': onClick }, [ h('div.context', [ api.about.html.avatar(author, 'tiny'), h('',, api.message.html.timeago(blog) ]), h('div.content', [ img, h('div.text', [ h('h2', api.message.html.title(blog)), ? : '', h('div.summary', api.message.html.summary(blog)) ]) ]) ]) return b }) }