const { h, Value, when, computed, Struct, watch, throttle } = require('mutant') const nest = require('depnest') const path = require('path') const fs = require('fs') const electron = require('electron') const os = require('os') const progress = require('progress-string') const values = require('lodash/values') const observeSequence = require('./observeSequence') const windowControls = require('../windowControls') const ftuCss = require('./styles') const appName = process.env.SSB_APPNAME || 'ssb' const CONFIG_FOLDER = path.join(os.homedir(), `.${appName}`) const IMPORT_FILE = path.join(CONFIG_FOLDER, 'importing.json') var isBusy = Value(false) var isPresentingOptions = Value(true) // these initial values are overwritten by the identity file. var state = Struct({ latestSequence: 0, confirmedRemotely: false, currentSequence: -1 }) = nest('') exports.needs = nest({ 'styles.css': 'reduce', 'translations.sync.strings': 'first' }) exports.create = (api) => { return nest({ '': function app () { const strings = api.translations.sync.strings() const css = [...values(api.styles.css()), ftuCss].join('\n') document.head.appendChild(h('style', { innerHTML: css })) // This watcher is responsible for switching from FTU to Ticktack main app watch(throttle(state, 500), s => { if (s.currentSequence >= s.latestSequence && s.confirmedRemotely) { console.log('all imported') electron.ipcRenderer.send('import-completed') } }) if (fs.existsSync(path.join(CONFIG_FOLDER, 'secret'))) { // somehow the FTU started but the identity is already in place. // treat it as a failed import and start importing... console.log('resuming import') let previousData = getImportData() if (previousData === false) { // there is a secret but there is no previous import data. // so, we proceed as normal because we can't do anything else, // it looks like a normal standard installation... setImportData({ importing: false }) electron.ipcRenderer.send('import-completed') } else { state.latestSequence.set(previousData.latestSequence) state.currentSequence.set(previousData.currentSequence) isPresentingOptions.set(false) observeSequence({ state }) } } var app = h('App', [ h('Header', [ h('img.logoName', { src: assetPath('logo_and_name.png') }), windowControls() ]), when(isPresentingOptions, InitialOptions(), ImportProgress()) ]) return app function InitialOptions () { const { welcomeHeader, welcomeMessage, busyMessage, importAction, createAction } = strings.backup.ftu return h('Page', [ h('div.content', [ h('section.welcome', [ h('h1', welcomeHeader), h('div', welcomeMessage) ]), when(isBusy, h('p', busyMessage), h('section.actionButtons', [ h('div.left', h('Button', { 'ev-click': () => actionImportIdentity(strings) }, importAction)), h('div.right', h('Button -strong', { 'ev-click': () => actionCreateNewOne() }, createAction)) ]) ) ]) ]) } function ImportProgress () { const { header, synchronizeMessage, details } = strings.backup.import return h('Page', [ h('div.content', [ h('h1', header), h('p', synchronizeMessage), h('pre', computed(state, s => { return progress({ width: 42, total: s.latestSequence, style: function (complete, incomplete) { // add an arrow at the head of the completed part return `${complete}>${incomplete} (${s.currentSequence}/ ${s.latestSequence})` } })(s.currentSequence) })), h('p', details) ]) ]) } } }) } electron.ipcRenderer.on('import-resumed', function (ev, c) { console.log('background process is running, begin observing') observeSequence({ state }) }) function actionCreateNewOne () { isBusy.set(true) const manifest = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../manifest.json'))) const manifestFile = path.join(CONFIG_FOLDER, 'manifest.json') if (!fs.existsSync(CONFIG_FOLDER)) { fs.mkdirSync(CONFIG_FOLDER) } fs.writeFileSync(manifestFile, JSON.stringify(manifest)) electron.ipcRenderer.send('create-new-identity') } function actionImportIdentity (strings) { const gossipFile = path.join(CONFIG_FOLDER, 'gossip.json') const secretFile = path.join(CONFIG_FOLDER, 'secret') const manifest = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../manifest.json'))) const manifestFile = path.join(CONFIG_FOLDER, 'manifest.json') // place the other files first electron.remote.dialog.showOpenDialog( { title: strings.backup.import.dialog.title, butttonLabel: strings.backup.import.dialog.label, defaultPath: 'ticktack-identity.backup', properties: ['openFile'] }, (filenames) => { if (typeof filenames !== 'undefined') { let filename = filenames[0] let data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filename)) if (data.hasOwnProperty('secret') && data.hasOwnProperty('gossip') && data.hasOwnProperty('latestSequence')) { if (!fs.existsSync(CONFIG_FOLDER)) { fs.mkdirSync(CONFIG_FOLDER) } fs.writeFileSync(manifestFile, JSON.stringify(manifest)) fs.writeFileSync(gossipFile, JSON.stringify(data.gossip), 'utf8') fs.writeFileSync(secretFile, data.secret, 'utf8') state.latestSequence.set(data.latestSequence) state.currentSequence.set(0) isPresentingOptions.set(false) data.importing = true data.currentSequence = 0 setImportData(data) electron.ipcRenderer.send('import-identity') } else { console.log('> bad export file') console.log(data) alert('Bad Export File') } } } ) } function assetPath (name) { return path.join(__dirname, '../assets', name) } function getImportData () { if (fs.existsSync(IMPORT_FILE)) { let data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(IMPORT_FILE)) return data || false } else { return false } } function setImportData (data) { fs.writeFileSync(IMPORT_FILE, JSON.stringify(data)) }