const { h, Value } = require('mutant') const nest = require('depnest') const path = require('path') const { remote } = require('electron') const insertCss = require('insert-css') const values = require('lodash/values') const electron = require('electron') = nest('') exports.needs = nest({ 'styles.css': 'reduce', 'translations.sync.strings': 'first' }) exports.create = (api) => { return nest({ '': function app() { const css = values(api.styles.css()).join('\n') insertCss(css) var app = h('App', [ h('Header', [ windowControls() ]), h('Page -ftu', [ h('div.content', [ h('h1', 'Welcome to Ticktack'), h('p', 'Do you want to create a new identity or import one?'), h('section', [ h('div.left', h('Button', 'Import identity')), h('div.right', h('Button', { 'ev-click': () => actionCreateNewOne() }, 'Create a new one')) ]) ]) ]) ]) return app } }) } function actionCreateNewOne() { electron.ipcRenderer.send('create-new-identity') } function windowControls() { if (process.platform === 'darwin') return const window = remote.getCurrentWindow() const minimize = () => window.minimize() const maximize = () => { if (!window.isMaximized()) window.maximize() else window.unmaximize() } const close = () => window.close() return h('div.window-controls', [ h('img.min', { src: assetPath('minimize.png'), 'ev-click': minimize }), h('img.max', { src: assetPath('maximize.png'), 'ev-click': maximize }), h('img.close', { src: assetPath('close.png'), 'ev-click': close }) ]) } function assetPath(name) { return path.join(__dirname, '../assets', name) }