var nest = require('depnest') var { Dict, Set } = require('mutant') = nest({ 'unread.sync.isUnread': true, 'unread.sync.markRead': true, 'unread.obs.userMessages': true }) //load current state of unread messages. exports.create = function (api) { var unread = null if(localStorage.unread) { try { unread = JSON.parse(localStorage.unread) } catch (err) {} } if(!unread) unread = {timestamp:} unread.timestamp = unread.timestamp || if(!unread.filter) unread.filter = {} var timer function save () { if(timer) return timer = setTimeout(function () { timer = null localStorage.unread = JSON.stringify(unread) }, 2e3) } function isUnread(msg) { if(msg.timestamp && msg.timestamp < unread.timestamp) return false return !unread.filter[msg.key] } function markRead(msg) { if(msg && 'string' === typeof msg.key) { //note: there is a quirk where some messages don't have a timestamp if(isUnread(msg)) { var userUser unread.filter[msg.key] = true save() return true } } } function userMessages(feedId) { } document.body.onunload = save return nest({ 'unread.sync.isUnread': isUnread, 'unread.sync.markRead': markRead, 'unread.obs.userMessages': userMessages }) }