var { h, computed, when, Value, resolve } = require('mutant') var nest = require('depnest') exports.needs = nest({ '': 'first', 'message.obs.shares': 'first', 'sbot.async.publish': 'first', 'translations.sync.strings': 'first', 'app.html.lightbox': 'first' }) = nest('message.html.shares') exports.create = (api) => { return nest('message.html.shares', function shares(msg) { var id = var shares = api.message.obs.shares(msg.key) var iShared = computed(shares, shares => shares.includes(id)) var count = computed(shares, shares => shares.length ? shares.length : '') var isOpen = Value(false) var strings = api.translations.sync.strings() var publishAndClose = (msg) => { publishShare(msg, resolve(captionRaw)) isOpen.set(false) } var captionRaw = Value('') var captionInput = h('textarea#caption', { style: { width: '90%' }, placeholder: 'Type an optional caption here', value: computed(captionRaw, t => t), 'ev-input': () => captionRaw.set(captionInput.value), }) var confirmationDialog = h('div.dialog', [ h('div.message', [ h('p', 'Do you to share this post with your followers?'), ]), h('div.form', [ captionInput ]), h('div.actions', [ h('Button', { 'ev-click': () => isOpen.set(false) }, strings.userShow.action.cancel), h('Button -primary', { 'ev-click': () => publishAndClose(msg, true) }, "Share") ]) ]) var lb =, isOpen) return h('Shares', { 'ev-click': () => isOpen.set(!iShared()) }, [ h('i.fa', { className: when(iShared, 'fa-retweet', 'fa-retweet faint') }), h('div.count', count), lb ]) }) function publishShare(msg, text, status = true) { if (status) { var share = { type: 'share', share: { link: msg.key, content: "blog", text: text } } if (msg.value.content.recps) { share.recps = (e) { return e && typeof e !== 'string' ? : e }) share.private = true } api.sbot.async.publish(share) } } }