const nest = require('depnest') const { h, computed, when } = require('mutant') const last = require('lodash/last') const get = require('lodash/get') = nest('') exports.needs = nest({ 'about.html.avatar': 'first', 'app.html.sideNav': 'first', 'app.html.thread': 'first', 'message.html.compose': 'first', 'unread.sync.markRead': 'first', 'feed.obs.thread': 'first' }) exports.create = (api) => { return nest('', threadShow) function threadShow (location) { // location = a thread (message, may be decorated with replies) const { key, value } = location const root = get(value, 'content.root', key) const channel = get(value, '') // unread state is set in here... const thread = api.feed.obs.thread(root) const subject = get(location, 'value.content.subject') const recps = get(location, 'value.content.recps') const meta = { type: 'post', root, branch: thread.lastId, channel, recps } const composer = api.message.html.compose({ meta, thread, shrink: false }) return h('Page -threadShow', [, h('div.content', [ h('header', [ when(subject, h('h1', subject)), Recipients(recps) ]),, composer ]) ]) } function Recipients (recps) { if (recps && recps.length > 2) { return h('div.recps', => { const recp = typeof r === 'string' ? r : return api.about.html.avatar(recp, 'tiny') })) } } }