const nest = require('depnest') const { h, Struct, Value } = require('mutant') const addSuggest = require('suggest-box') const pull = require('pull-stream') const marksum = require('markdown-summary') = nest('') exports.needs = nest({ 'app.html.sideNav': 'first', 'channel.async.suggest': 'first', 'history.sync.push': 'first', 'message.html.compose': 'first', 'translations.sync.strings': 'first', 'sbot.async.addBlob': 'first' }) exports.create = (api) => { var contentHtmlObs return nest('', blogNew) function blogNew (location) { const strings = api.translations.sync.strings() const getChannelSuggestions = const meta = Struct({ type: 'blog', channel: Value(), title: Value(), summary: Value(), }) const composer = api.message.html.compose( { meta, placeholder: strings.blogNew.actions.writeBlog, shrink: false, prepublish: function (content, cb) { var m = /\!\[[^]+\]\(([^\)]+)\)/.exec(marksum.image(content.text)) content.thumbnail = m && m[1] // content.summary = marksum.summary(content.text) // Need a summary whihch doesn't trim the start var stream = pull.values([content.text]) delete content.text api.sbot.async.addBlob(stream, function (err, hash) { if(err) return cb(err) if(!hash) throw new Error('missing hash') = hash cb(null, content) }) } }, (err, msg) => api.history.sync.push(err ? err : { page: 'blogIndex' }) ) const channelInput = h('input', { 'ev-input': e =>, placeholder: }) var page = h('Page -blogNew', [, h('div.content', [ h('div.container', [ h('div.field -channel', [ h('div.label',, channelInput ]), h('div.field -title', [ h('div.label', strings.blogNew.field.title), h('input', { 'ev-input': e => meta.title.set(, placeholder: strings.blogNew.field.title }), ]), h('div.field -summary', [ h('div.label', strings.blogNew.field.summary), h('input', { 'ev-input': e => meta.summary.set(, placeholder: strings.blogNew.field.summary }), ]), composer ]) ]) ]) addSuggest(channelInput, (inputText, cb) => { inputText = inputText.replace(/^#/, '') var suggestions = getChannelSuggestions(inputText) .map(s => { s.value = s.value.replace(/^#/, '') // strip the defualt # prefix here return s }) .map(s => { if (s.subtitle === 'subscribed') s.subtitle = h('i.fa.fa-heart') // TODO - translation-friendly subscribed return s }) // HACK add the input text if it's not an option already if (!suggestions.some(s => s.title === inputText)) { suggestions.push({ title: inputText, subtitle: h('i.fa.fa-plus-circle'), value: inputText }) } cb(null, suggestions) }, {cls: 'PatchSuggest.-channelHorizontal'}) // WARNING hacking suggest-box cls channelInput.addEventListener('suggestselect', (e) => { }) return page } }