const nest = require('depnest') const { h, Value, computed, map, when, resolve } = require('mutant') const pull = require('pull-stream') = nest('') exports.needs = nest({ 'app.html.context': 'first', 'app.html.blogCard': 'first', 'app.html.blogNav': 'first', 'app.html.scroller': 'first', 'channel.obs.recent': 'first', '': 'first', 'feed.pull.public': 'first', 'history.sync.push': 'first', '': 'first', '': 'first', 'translations.sync.strings': 'first', 'unread.sync.isUnread': 'first' }) exports.create = (api) => { return nest('', blogSearch) function blogSearch (location) { // location here can expected to be: { page: 'blogSearch'} // OR { page: 'blogSearch', channel: 'scuttlebutt', searchVal: 'scutt'} var strings = api.translations.sync.strings() var searchVal = Value(resolve(location.searchVal) || resolve( || '') var searchResults = computed([, searchVal], (channels, val) => { if (val.length < 2) return [] return channels.filter(c => c.toLowerCase().indexOf(val.toLowerCase()) > -1) }) var searchField = h('', [ h('div.input', [ h('i.fa.fa-search'), h('input', { 'ev-input': e => searchVal.set(, value: searchVal }) ]), when(searchResults, h('div.results', map(searchResults, channel => { const classList = channel === ? ['-channelActive'] : '' const newLocation = { page: 'blogSearch', channel, searchVal } return, { classList, location: newLocation }) })) ) ]) var createStream = api.feed.pull.public if ( createStream = var blogs ={ classList: ['content'], prepend: [, searchField ], stream: createStream, filter: () => pull( pull.filter(msg => { const type = msg.value.content.type return type === 'post' || type === 'blog' }), pull.filter(msg => !msg.value.content.root) // show only root messages ), // FUTURE : if we need better perf, we can add a persistent cache. At the moment this page is fast enough though. // See implementation of app.html.context for example // store: recentMsgCache, // updateTop: updateRecentMsgCache, // updateBottom: updateRecentMsgCache, render }) return h('Page -blogSearch', {title: strings.home}, [, blogs ]) } function render (blog) { const { recps, channel } = blog.value.content var onClick if (channel && !recps) onClick = (ev) => api.history.sync.push(Object.assign({}, blog, { page: 'blogShow' })) return, { onClick }) } }