const nest = require('depnest') const { h, Array: MutantArray, map, computed, when, throttle } = require('mutant') const get = require('lodash/get') // TODO - rename threadPrivate = nest('app.html.thread') exports.needs = nest({ 'about.html.avatar': 'first', 'feed.obs.thread': 'first', '': 'first', 'message.html.markdown': 'first', 'message.html.timeago': 'first', 'unread.sync.markRead': 'first', 'unread.sync.isUnread': 'first' }) exports.create = (api) => { return nest('app.html.thread', function (thread) { //catch any code that still uses this the old way... if('string' === typeof thread) throw new Error('thread should be observable') const myId = const chunkedMessages = buildChunkedMessages(thread.messages) const threadView = h('Thread', map(chunkedMessages, chunk => { const author = computed([chunk], chunk => get(chunk, '[0]')) return author() === myId ? h('', [ h('Avatar -small'), h('div.msgs', map(chunk, msg => { return h('div.msg-row', [ h('div.spacer'), message(msg), api.message.html.timeago(msg) ]) })) ]) : h('div.other-chunk', [ when(author, api.about.html.avatar(author()), 'small'), h('div.msgs', map(chunk, msg => { return h('div.msg-row', [ message(msg), h('div.spacer'), api.message.html.timeago(msg) ]) })) ]) }) ) function message (msg) { const raw = get(msg, 'value.content.text') var unread = api.unread.sync.isUnread(msg) ? ' -unread' : '' api.unread.sync.markRead(msg) return h('div.msg'+unread, api.message.html.markdown(raw)) } threadView.subject = computed(thread.messages, msgs => { return get(msgs, '[0].value.content.subject') }) return threadView }) } function buildChunkedMessages (messagesObs) { return computed(throttle(messagesObs, 200), msgs => { var chunkedMessages = MutantArray() var _chunk = null var _lastMsg = null msgs.forEach(msg => { const text = get(msg, 'value.content.text') if (!text) return if (!_lastMsg || !isSameAuthor(_lastMsg, msg)) { createNewChunk(msg) } else { _chunk.push(msg) } _lastMsg = msg }) function createNewChunk (msg) { const newChunk = MutantArray() newChunk.push(msg) chunkedMessages.push(newChunk) _chunk = newChunk } return chunkedMessages }) } function isSameAuthor (msgA, msgB) { // TODO (mix) use lodash/get return === }