const nest = require('depnest') const { h, computed, map, when, Dict, dictToCollection, Array: MutantArray, Value, resolve } = require('mutant') const pull = require('pull-stream') const next = require('pull-next-step') const get = require('lodash/get') const isEmpty = require('lodash/isEmpty') = nest('app.html.context') exports.needs = nest({ 'app.html.scroller': 'first', 'about.html.avatar': 'first', '': 'first', 'feed.pull.private': 'first', 'feed.pull.rollup': 'first', '': 'first', 'history.sync.push': 'first', 'message.html.subject': 'first', 'sbot.obs.localPeers': 'first', 'translations.sync.strings': 'first', }) exports.create = (api) => { var recentMsgCache = MutantArray() var usersMsgCache = Dict() // { id: [ msgs ] } return nest('app.html.context', context) function context (location) { const strings = api.translations.sync.strings() const myKey = var nearby = api.sbot.obs.localPeers() return h('Context -feed', [ LevelOneContext(), LevelTwoContext() ]) function LevelOneContext () { function isDiscoverContext (loc) { const PAGES_UNDER_DISCOVER = ['blogIndex', 'blogShow', 'home'] return PAGES_UNDER_DISCOVER.includes( || get(location, 'value.private') === undefined } const prepend = [ // Nearby computed(nearby, n => !isEmpty(n) ? h('header', strings.peopleNearby) : null), map(nearby, feedId => Option({ notifications: Math.random() > 0.7 ? Math.floor(Math.random()*9+1) : 0, // TODO imageEl: api.about.html.avatar(feedId, 'small'), label:, selected: location.feed === feedId, location: computed(recentMsgCache, recent => { const lastMsg = recent.find(msg => === feedId) return lastMsg ? Object.assign(lastMsg, { feed: feedId }) : { page: 'threadNew', feed: feedId } }), }), { comparer: (a, b) => a === b }), // --------------------- computed(nearby, n => !isEmpty(n) ? h('hr') : null), // Discover Option({ notifications: Math.floor(Math.random()*5+1), imageEl: h('i.fa.fa-binoculars'), label: strings.blogIndex.title, selected: isDiscoverContext(location), location: { page: 'blogIndex' }, }) ] return{ classList: [ 'level', '-one' ], prepend, stream: api.feed.pull.private, filter: () => pull( pull.filter(msg => msg.value.content.type === 'post'), // TODO is this the best way to protect against votes? pull.filter(msg => != myKey), pull.filter(msg => msg.value.content.recps) ), store: recentMsgCache, updateTop: updateRecentMsgCache, updateBottom: updateRecentMsgCache, render: (msgObs) => { const msg = resolve(msgObs) const { author } = msg.value if (nearby.has(author)) return return Option({ notifications: Math.random() > 0.7 ? Math.floor(Math.random()*9+1) : 0, // TODO imageEl: api.about.html.avatar(author), label:, selected: location.feed === author, location: Object.assign({}, msg, { feed: author }) // TODO make obs? }) } }) function updateRecentMsgCache (soFar, newMsg) { soFar.transaction(() => { const { author, timestamp } = newMsg.value const index = indexOf(soFar, (msg) => author === resolve(msg) var object = Value() if (index >= 0) { // reference already exists, lets use this instead! const existingMsg = soFar.get(index) if (resolve(existingMsg).value.timestamp > timestamp) return // but abort if the existing reference is newer object = existingMsg soFar.deleteAt(index) } object.set(newMsg) const justOlderPosition = indexOf(soFar, (msg) => timestamp > resolve(msg).value.timestamp) if (justOlderPosition > -1) { soFar.insert(object, justOlderPosition) } else { soFar.push(object) } }) } } function LevelTwoContext () { const { key, value, feed: targetUser, page } = location const root = get(value, 'content.root', key) if (!targetUser) return const prepend = Option({ selected: page === 'threadNew', location: {page: 'threadNew', feed: targetUser}, label: h('Button',, }) var userMsgCache = usersMsgCache.get(targetUser) if (!userMsgCache) { userMsgCache = MutantArray() usersMsgCache.put(targetUser, userMsgCache) } return{ classList: [ 'level', '-two' ], prepend, stream: api.feed.pull.private, filter: () => pull( pull.filter(msg => !msg.value.content.root), // only show the root message??? - check this still works with lastmessage pull.filter(msg => msg.value.content.type === 'post'), // TODO is this the best way to protect against votes? pull.filter(msg => msg.value.content.recps), pull.filter(msg => msg.value.content.recps .map(recp => typeof recp === 'object' ? : recp) .some(recp => recp === targetUser) ) ), store: userMsgCache, updateTop: updateUserMsgCache, updateBottom: updateUserMsgCache, render: (rootMsgObs) => { const rootMsg = resolve(rootMsgObs) return Option({ label: api.message.html.subject(rootMsg), selected: rootMsg.key === root, location: Object.assign(rootMsg, { feed: targetUser }), }) } }) function updateUserMsgCache (soFar, newMsg) { soFar.transaction(() => { const { timestamp } = newMsg.value const index = indexOf(soFar, (msg) => timestamp === resolve(msg).value.timestamp) if (index >= 0) return // if reference already exists, abort var object = Value(newMsg) const justOlderPosition = indexOf(soFar, (msg) => timestamp > resolve(msg).value.timestamp) if (justOlderPosition > -1) { soFar.insert(object, justOlderPosition) } else { soFar.push(object) } }) } } function Option ({ notifications = 0, imageEl, label, location, selected }) { const className = selected ? '-selected' : '' const goToLocation = (e) => { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() api.history.sync.push(resolve(location)) } if (!imageEl) { return h('Option', { className, 'ev-click': goToLocation }, [ h('div.label', label) ]) } return h('Option', { className }, [ h('', [ when(notifications, h('div.alert', notifications)), imageEl ]), h('div.label', { 'ev-click': goToLocation }, label) ]) } } } function indexOf (array, fn) { for (var i = 0; i < array.getLength(); i++) { if (fn(array.get(i))) { return i } } return -1 }