const nest = require('depnest') const { h, Value } = require('mutant') = nest('') exports.needs = nest({ 'app.sync.initialize': 'map', 'app.html.header': 'first', 'history.obs.location': 'first', 'history.sync.push': 'first', '': 'first', 'router.sync.router': 'first', 'settings.sync.get': 'first', 'settings.sync.set': 'first', 'invite.async.autofollow': 'first', 'config.sync.load': 'first', 'sbot.async.friendsGet': 'first', 'sbot.async.get': 'first' }) exports.create = (api) => { var view return nest({ '': function app () { view = Value() var app = h('App', view) api.history.obs.location()(renderLocation) api.history.obs.location()(loc => console.log('location:', loc)) startApp() return app } }) function renderLocation (loc) { var page = api.router.sync.router(loc) if (page) view.set([{location: loc, push: api.history.sync.push}), page ]) } function startApp () { api.history.sync.push({page: 'splash'}) const delay = process.env.STARTUP_DELAY || 2000 setTimeout(enterApp, delay) } function enterApp() { const isOnboarded = api.settings.sync.get('onboarded') const initialPage = process.env.STARTUP_PAGE || 'blogIndex' if (isOnboarded) { autoPub() api.history.sync.push({page: initialPage}) } else { api.history.sync.push({ page:'userEdit', feed:, callback: (err, didEdit) => { if (err) throw new Error ('Error editing profile', err) // if they clicked something, just mark them onboarded api.settings.sync.set({ onboarded: true }) autoPub() api.history.sync.push({page: initialPage}) } }) } } function autoPub () { var invites = api.config.sync.load().autoinvites if(!invites) { console.log('no invites') return } var self_id = api.config.sync.load() api.sbot.async.friendsGet({dest: self_id}, function (err, friends) { //if you have less than 5 followers, maybe use the autoinvite if(Object.keys(friends).length <= 5) invites.forEach(invite => { console.log('using invite:', invite) api.invite.async.autofollow(invite, (err, follows) => { if (err) console.error('Autofollow error:', err) else console.log('Autofollow success', follows) }) }) else console.log('no autoinvite - you have friends already') }) } }