var nest = require('depnest') var PullObv = require('pull-obv') var threadReduce = require('ssb-reduce-stream') var pull = require('pull-stream') var Next = require('pull-next') var isObject = require('lodash/isObject') = nest({ 'state.obs.threads': true, '': true }) exports.needs = nest({ 'message.sync.unbox': 'first', 'sbot.pull.log': 'first', 'sbot.async.get': 'first', '': 'first', 'feed.pull.rollup': 'first' }) exports.create = function (api) { var threadsObs function createStateObs (reduce, createStream, opts, initial) { var lastTimestamp = opts.last || var firstTimestamp = opts.first || function unbox (data) { if(data.sync) return data if(isObject(data.value.content)) return data return api.message.sync.unbox(data) } var obs = PullObv( reduce, pull( Next(function () { return createStream({reverse: true, limit: 500, lt: lastTimestamp}) }), pull.through(function (data) { lastTimestamp = data.timestamp }),, pull.filter(Boolean), api.feed.pull.rollup() ), //value recovered from localStorage initial ) //stream live messages. this *should* work. //there is no back pressure on new events //only a show more on the top (currently) pull( Next(function () { return createStream({limit: 500, gt: firstTimestamp, live: true}) }),, pull.filter(Boolean), pull.drain(function (data) { if(data.sync) return firstTimestamp = data.timestamp obs.set(reduce(obs.value, data)) }) ) return obs } return nest({ '': function (channel) { return createStateObs( threadReduce, function (opts) { return opts.reverse ? pull(api.sbot.pull.log(opts), pull.filter(function (data) { if(data.sync) return false return === channel })) }, {} ) // var channelObs = PullObv( // threadReduce, // createChannelStream({reverse: true, limit: 1000}) // ) }, 'state.obs.threads': function buildThreadObs() { if (threadsObs) return threadsObs // DISABLE localStorage cache. mainly disabling this to make debugging the other stuff // easier. maybe re-enable this later? also, should this be for every channel too? not sure. // var initial // try { initial = JSON.parse(localStorage.threadsState) } // catch (_) { } initial = {} threadsObs = createStateObs(threadReduce, api.sbot.pull.log, initial, {}) threadsObs(function (threadsState) { if(threadsState.ended && threadsState.ended !== true) console.error('threadObs error:', threadsState.ended) }) // var timer // //keep localStorage up to date // threadsObs(function (threadsState) { // if(timer) return // timer = setTimeout(function () { // timer = null // threadsState.last = lastTimestamp // console.log('save state') // localStorage.threadsState = JSON.stringify(threadsState) // }, 1000) // }) return threadsObs } }) }