const nest = require('depnest') const { h, when, send, resolve, Value, computed } = require('mutant') const assign = require('lodash/assign') const ssbMentions = require('ssb-mentions') const addSuggest = require('suggest-box') = nest('message.html.compose') exports.needs = nest({ 'about.async.suggest': 'first', 'blob.html.input': 'first', 'channel.async.suggest': 'first', 'emoji.async.suggest': 'first', 'emoji.sync.names': 'first', 'emoji.sync.url': 'first', 'message.async.publish': 'first', 'message.html.markdown': 'first', // 'message.html.confirm': 'first' 'translations.sync.strings': 'first' }) exports.create = function (api) { return nest('message.html.compose', compose) function compose (options, cb) { var { meta, // required placeholder, shrink = true, canAttach = true, canPreview = true, prepublish } = options const strings = api.translations.sync.strings() const getProfileSuggestions = api.about.async.suggest() const getChannelSuggestions = const getEmojiSuggestions = api.emoji.async.suggest() placeholder = placeholder || strings.writeMessage var files = [] var filesById = {} var textAreaFocused = Value(false) var focused = textAreaFocused var hasContent = Value(false) var blurTimeout = null var expanded = computed([shrink, focused, hasContent], (shrink, focused, hasContent) => { if (!shrink || hasContent) return true return focused }) var textRaw = Value('') var textArea = h('textarea', { 'ev-input': () => textRaw.set(textArea.value), 'ev-blur': () => { clearTimeout(blurTimeout) blurTimeout = setTimeout(() => textAreaFocused.set(false), 200) }, 'ev-focus': send(textAreaFocused.set, true), placeholder }) textRaw(text => hasContent.set(!!text)) textArea.publish = publish // TODO: fix - clunky api for the keyboard shortcut to target var fileInput if(!meta.recps) { fileInput = api.blob.html.input(file => { files.push(file) filesById[] = file var embed = file.type.match(/^image/) ? '!' : '' var spacer = embed ? '\n' : ' ' var insertLink = spacer + embed + '[' + + ']' + '(' + + ')' + spacer var pos = textArea.selectionStart var newText = textRaw().slice(0, pos) + insertLink + textRaw().slice(pos) textArea.value = newText textRaw.set(newText) console.log('added:', file) }) fileInput.onclick = () => hasContent.set(true) } // if fileInput is null, send button moves to the left side // and we don't want that. else fileInput = h('input', { style: {visibility: 'hidden'} }) var showPreview = Value(false) var previewBtn = h('Button', { className: when(showPreview, '-strong', '-subtle'), 'ev-click': () => showPreview.set(!showPreview()) }, when(showPreview, strings.blogNew.actions.edit, strings.blogNew.actions.preview) ) var preview = computed(textRaw, text => api.message.html.markdown(text)) var publishBtn = h('Button -primary', { 'ev-click': publish }, strings.sendMessage) var actions = h('section.actions', [ canAttach ? fileInput : '', canPreview ? previewBtn : '', publishBtn ]) var composer = h('Compose', { classList: when(expanded, '-expanded', '-contracted') }, [ when(showPreview, preview, textArea), actions ]) addSuggest(textArea, (inputText, cb) => { const char = inputText[0] const wordFragment = inputText.slice(1) if (char === '@') cb(null, getProfileSuggestions(wordFragment)) if (char === '#') cb(null, getChannelSuggestions(wordFragment)) if (char === ':') cb(null, getEmojiSuggestions(wordFragment)) }, {cls: 'PatchSuggest'}) return composer // scoped function publish () { publishBtn.disabled = true const text = resolve(textRaw) const mentions = ssbMentions(text).map(mention => { // merge markdown-detected mention with file info var file = filesById[] if (file) { if (file.type) mention.type = file.type if (file.size) mention.size = file.size } return mention }) var content = assign({}, resolve(meta), { text, mentions }) for(var k in content) content[k] = resolve(content[k]) if (! delete if (!mentions.length) delete content.mentions if (content.recps && content.recps.length === 0) delete content.recps if (typeof prepublish === 'function') { prepublish(content, function (err, content) { if(err) handleErr(err) else api.message.async.publish(content, done) }) } else api.message.async.publish(content, done) function done (err, msg) { publishBtn.disabled = false if (err) handleErr(err) else if (msg) { textRaw.set('') textArea.value = '' } if (cb) cb(err, msg) } function handleErr (err) { publishBtn.disabled = false if (cb) cb(err) else throw err } } } }