const nest = require('depnest') const { h } = require('mutant') const {threadReduce} = require('ssb-reduce-stream') const pull = require('pull-stream') const isObject = require('lodash/isObject') const isString = require('lodash/isString') const last = require('lodash/last') const get = require('lodash/get') const More = require('hypermore') = nest('') const morphdom = require('morphdom') const Next = require('pull-next') exports.needs = nest({ 'about.html.image': 'first', 'app.html.nav': 'first', 'sbot.pull.log': 'first', 'history.sync.push': 'first', 'message.sync.unbox': 'first', }) function firstLine (text) { if(text.length < 80 && !~text.indexOf('\n')) return text return text.split('\n')[0].substring(0, 80) } exports.create = (api) => { return nest('', function (location) { // location here can expected to be: { page: 'home' } var container = h('div.container', []) function subject (msg) { const { subject, text } = msg.value.content return firstLine(subject|| text) } function link(location) { return {'ev-click': () => api.history.sync.push(location)} } function item (name, thread) { if(!thread.value) return const lastReply = thread.replies && last(thread.replies) return h('div.threadLink', link(thread), [ name, h('div.subject', [subject(thread)]), lastReply ? h('div.reply', [subject(lastReply)]) : null ]) } function threadGroup (threads, obj, toName) { // threads = a state object for all the types of threads // obj = a map of keys to root ids, where key ∈ (channel | group | concatenated list of pubkeys) // toName = fn that derives a name from a particular thread var groupEl = h('') for(var k in obj) { var id = obj[k] var thread = get(threads, ['roots', id]) if(thread && thread.value) { var el = item(toName(k, thread), thread) if(el) groupEl.appendChild(el) } } return groupEl } var initial try { initial = JSON.parse(localStorage.threadsState) } catch (_) { } var lastTimestamp = initial ? initial.last : var timer function update (threadsState) { clearTimeout(timer) setTimeout(function () { threadsState.last = lastTimestamp localStorage.threadsState = JSON.stringify(threadsState) }, 1000) } var threadsObs = More( threadReduce, pull( Next(function () { return api.sbot.pull.log({reverse: true, limit: 500, lte: lastTimestamp}) }), (data) { lastTimestamp = data.timestamp if(isObject(data.value.content)) return data return api.message.sync.unbox(data) }), pull.filter(Boolean), function (read) { return function (abort, cb) { read(abort, function (err, data) { try { cb(err, data) } catch (err) { console.error(err) read(err, function () {}) } }) } } ), function render (threadsState) { update(threadsState) morphdom(container, h('div.container', [ threadGroup( threadsState, threadsState.private, function (_, msg) { // NB: msg passed in is actually a 'thread', but only care about root msg return h('div.recps', [ (link) { return api.about.html.image(isString(link) ? link : }) ]) } ), threadGroup( threadsState, threadsState.channels, ch => h('h2.title', '#'+ch) ) ]) ) return container }, initial ) return h('Page -home', [ h('h1', 'Home'),, threadsObs, h('button', {'ev-click': threadsObs.more}, ['Show More']) ]) }) }