module.exports = { splash: { about: `A new era social network for people who have faith in a decentralized world that values openness, equality, and freedom`, slogan: `Connecting the Unconnected Reconstructing a trusty social network ` }, blogIndex: { title: 'Discover', }, topNav: { blogsAll: 'Dynamics', blogSearch: 'Search' }, blogNew: { field: { title: 'Title', summary: 'Summary' }, actions: { edit: 'Edit', preview: 'Preview', writeBlog: 'Write a blog', } }, channel: 'Channel', loading: 'Loading...', optionalField: 'optional', writeMessage: 'Write a message', writeComment: 'Write a comment', peopleNearby: 'People nearby', sendMessage: 'Send', showMore: 'Show More', directMessages: 'Direct Messages', home: "Home", error: "Error", errorNotFound: "The page wasn't found", groupNew: "New Group", groupFind: { action: { findAGroup: 'Find Group', newGroup: 'Create this group' }, state: { groupNotFound: 'This group does not exist yet.' }, flash: { createFirstThread: 'Start this group by posting the first thread.' } }, groupIndex: "Group Index", settingsPage: { title: "Settings", action: { edit: 'Edit', }, section: { name: 'Name', introduction: 'Introduction', language: 'Language', zoom: 'Zoom' } }, addressBook: { action: { addUser: 'Add a user', find: { friends: 'Search your friends', following: "Search people you're following", followers: 'Search your followers', search: 'Search for a user', } }, heading: { people: 'People' }, section: { friends: 'Friends', following: 'Following', followers: 'Followers' } }, threadNew: { pageTitle: 'New Thread', field: { to: 'To', subject: 'Subject', }, action: { new: 'New Message', addMoreRecps: 'add more recipients (optional)' } }, threadShow: 'Direct Messages', userEdit: { section: { avatar: 'Avatar', name: 'Name', introduction: 'Introduction', }, instruction: { crop: 'Click and drag to crop your avatar' }, action: { okay: 'Okay', cancel: 'Cancel', save: 'Save' } }, userFind: { action: { findAUser: 'Find a user', } }, userShow: { action: { follow: 'Follow', unfollow: 'Unfollow', directMessage: 'New Direct Message', block: 'Block', unblock: 'Unblock', blockConfirmationMessage: 'block means you will never receive message from this user', cancel: 'Cancel' }, state: { friends: 'You are friends', youFollow: 'You follow them', theyFollow: 'They follow you', userIsInGroups: "is in groups:", userConversationsWith: 'conversations you\'ve had with', follow: "Follow", friendsInCommon: 'friends in common' } }, channelShow: { action: { subscribe: 'Subscribe', unsubscribe: 'Unsubscribe' } }, subscriptions: { user: "My subscriptions", friends: "Friends subscriptions", state: { noSubscriptions: 'You have no subscriptions yet' } }, languages: { en: 'English', zh: '中文' } }