var pull = require('pull-stream') var { Dict, Value, computed, resolve } = require('mutant') var get = require('lodash/get') var MutantPullReduce = require('mutant-pull-reduce') var nest = require('depnest') var ref = require('ssb-ref') var throttle = require('mutant/throttle') exports.needs = nest({ '': 'first' }) = nest({ 'channel.obs.subscribed': true }) exports.create = function (api) { var cache = Dict() cache.sync = Value(false) var answerCache = {} return nest({ 'channel.obs.subscribed': subscribed, }) function subscribed (userId) { if (!cache.keys().length) startCache() return getAnswer(userId) } function getAnswer (userId) { if (!answerCache[userId]) { answerCache[userId] = computed(cache, cache => { const answer = Object.keys(cache) .filter(channel => { return cache[channel] .map(entry => entry[0]) .includes(userId) }) return new Set(answer) // previous channel.obs.subscribed uses Sets ... }) answerCache[userId].sync = cache.sync } return answerCache[userId] } function startCache () { var initialReceived = false pull( => { return{ live: true }) }), pull.drain(val => { if (val === null) { return } if (!initialReceived) { initialReceived = true cache.set(val) cache.sync.set(true) return } if (val.sync === true) { cache.sync.set(true) return } // Object.assign seems to bee needed otherwise the cache.set hits some codition where the resolved value gets over-ridden // before and set to {} right before the actual set happens! var newCache = reduce(Object.assign({}, resolve(cache)), val) cache.set(newCache) }) ) } } // TODO - add feature to flumeview-reduce which gives you a copy of the friggen reducer function reduce (soFar, newSub) { // process.stdout.write('c') const { author, timestamp, channel, subscribed } = newSub var channelSubs = get(soFar, [channel], []) var current = channelSubs.find(entry => entry[0] === author) // if current recorded statement was more recent than this 'newSub', ignore newSub if (current && current[1] > timestamp) return soFar // remove all subs entries for this author channelSubs = channelSubs.filter(entry => entry[0] !== author) if (subscribed) channelSubs.push([author, Number(new Date())]) soFar[channel] = channelSubs return soFar }