const nest = require('depnest') const { h, Value, Array: MutantArray, resolve } = require('mutant') const Scroller = require('mutant-scroll') const pull = require('pull-stream') const Next = require('pull-next') = nest('') exports.needs = nest({ 'app.html.blogCard': 'first', 'app.html.topNav': 'first', // 'app.html.scroller': 'first', 'app.html.sideNav': 'first', 'blog.sync.isBlog': 'first', 'feed.pull.public': 'first', 'feed.pull.type': 'first', 'history.sync.push': 'first', '': 'first', 'message.sync.isBlocked': 'first', 'translations.sync.strings': 'first', 'unread.sync.isUnread': 'first' }) exports.create = (api) => { var blogsCache = MutantArray() return nest('', function (location) { // location here can expected to be: { page: 'blogIndex'} var strings = api.translations.sync.strings() // const filter = () => pull( // pull.filter(, // isBlog or Plog? // pull.filter(msg => !msg.value.content.root), // show only root messages // pull.filter(msg => !api.message.sync.isBlocked(msg)) // this is already in feed.pull.type // ) // stream: api.feed.pull.public, // for post + blog type const streamToTop = pull( // next(stream, { live: true, reverse: false, old: false, limit: 100, property: indexProperty }), api.feed.pull.type('blog')({ live: true, reverse: false, old: false }), // filter() ) const streamToBottom = pull( Next api.feed.pull.type('blog')({ live: false, reverse: true }), // filter() ) var blogs = Scroller({ classList: ['content'], prepend:, streamToTop, streamToBottom, updateTop: update, updateBottom: update, store: blogsCache, render }) return h('Page -blogIndex', {title: strings.home}, [, blogs ]) }) function update (soFar, newBlog) { soFar.transaction(() => { var object = newBlog // Value(newBlog) const index = indexOf(soFar, (blog) => newBlog.key === resolve(blog).key) // if blog already in cache, not needed again if (index >= 0) return // Orders by: time received const justOlderPosition = indexOf(soFar, (msg) => newBlog.timestamp > resolve(msg).timestamp) // Orders by: time published BUT the messagesByType stream streams _by time received_ // TODO - we need an index of all blogs otherwise the scroller doesn't work... // const justOlderPosition = indexOf(soFar, (msg) => newBlog.value.timestamp > resolve(msg).value.timestamp) if (justOlderPosition > -1) { soFar.insert(object, justOlderPosition) } else { soFar.push(object) } }) } function render (blog) { const { recps, channel } = blog.value.content var onClick if (channel && !recps) { onClick = (ev) => api.history.sync.push(Object.assign({}, blog, { page: 'blogShow' })) } return, { onClick }) } } function indexOf (array, fn) { for (var i = 0; i < array.getLength(); i++) { if (fn(array.get(i))) { return i } } return -1 }