const nest = require('depnest') const { h, resolve, when, Value, Struct, Array: MutantArray, Dict, onceTrue, map, computed, dictToCollection, throttle, watchAll } = require('mutant') const pull = require('pull-stream') const marksum = require('markdown-summary') const Chart = require('chart.js') const groupBy = require('lodash/groupBy') const mergeWith = require('lodash/mergeWith') const flatMap = require('lodash/flatMap') = nest('') exports.needs = nest({ 'sbot.obs.connection': 'first', 'history.sync.push': 'first' }) const COMMENTS = 'comments' const LIKES = 'likes' const DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 exports.create = (api) => { return nest('', statsShow) function statsShow (location) { var store = Struct({ blogs: MutantArray([]), comments: Dict(), likes: Dict() }) onceTrue(api.sbot.obs.connection, server => fetchBlogs({ server, store })) var howFarBack = Value(0) // stats show a moving window of 30 days var context = Struct({ focus: Value(COMMENTS), blog: Value(), range: computed([howFarBack], howFarBack => { const now = const endOfDay = (Math.floor(now / DAY) + 1) * DAY return { upper: endOfDay - howFarBack * 30 * DAY, lower: endOfDay - (howFarBack + 1) * 30 * DAY } }) }) console.log(context.range()) context.range(console.log) var foci = Struct({ [COMMENTS]: computed([throttle(store.comments, 1000)], (msgs) => { return flatMap(msgs, (val, key) => val) }), [LIKES]: computed([throttle(store.likes, 1000)], (msgs) => { return flatMap(msgs, (val, key) => val) }) }) var visibleCommentsCount = computed([foci.comments, context.range], (msgs, range) => { return msgs .filter(msg => { const ts = msg.value.timestamp return ts > range.lower && ts <= range.upper }) .length }) var visibleLikesCount = computed([foci.likes, context.range], (msgs, range) => { return msgs .filter(msg => { const ts = msg.value.timestamp return ts > range.lower && ts <= range.upper }) .length }) const canvas = h('canvas', { height: 200, width: 600, style: { height: '200px', width: '600px' } }) const displayComments = () => context.focus.set(COMMENTS) const displayLikes = () => context.focus.set(LIKES) const page = h('Page -statsShow', [ h('Scroller.content', [ h('div.content', [ h('h1', 'Stats'), h('section.totals', [ h('div.comments', { className: computed(context.focus, focus => focus === COMMENTS ? '-selected' : ''), 'ev-click': displayComments }, [ h('div.count', visibleCommentsCount), h('strong', 'Comments'), '(30 days)' ]), h('div.likes', { className: computed(context.focus, focus => focus === LIKES ? '-selected' : ''), 'ev-click': displayLikes }, [ h('div.count', visibleLikesCount), h('strong', 'Likes'), '(30 days)' ] ), h('div.shares', { className: when(context.shares, '-selected') // 'ev-click': displayShares }, [ // h('div.count', computed(rangeLikes, msgs => msgs.length)), h('div.count', '--'), h('strong', 'Shares'), '(30 days)' ] ) ]), h('section.graph', [ canvas, h('div.changeRange', [ '< ', h('a', { 'ev-click': () => howFarBack.set(howFarBack() + 1) }, 'Prev 30 days'), ' | ', when(howFarBack, h('a', { 'ev-click': () => howFarBack.set(howFarBack() - 1) }, 'Next 30 days'), h('span', 'Next 30 days') ), ' >' ]) ]), h('table.blogs', [ h('thead', [ h('tr', [ h('th.details'), h('th.comment', 'Comments'), h('th.likes', 'Likes') ]) ]), h('tbody', map(store.blogs, blog => h('', { id: blog.key }, [ h('td.details', [ h('div.title', {}, getTitle(blog)), h('a', { href: '#', 'ev-click': viewBlog(blog) }, 'View blog' ) ]), h('td.comments', computed(store.comments.get(blog.key), msgs => msgs ? msgs.length : 0)), h('td.likes', computed(store.likes.get(blog.key), msgs => msgs ? msgs.length : 0)) // ]), { comparer: (a, b) => a === b })) ]))) ]) ]) ]) ]) var chart = new Chart(canvas.getContext('2d'), chartConfig({ context, chartData: [] })) // HACK - if the focus has changed, then zero the data // this prevents the graph from showing some confusing animations when transforming between foci var lastFocus = context.focus() const zeroGraphOnFocusChange = (focus) => { if (focus !== lastFocus) {[0].data = [] chart.update() lastFocus = focus } } const toDay = ts => Math.floor(ts / DAY) const chartData = computed([context.focus, foci], (focus, foci) => { zeroGraphOnFocusChange(focus) const msgs = foci[focus] const grouped = groupBy(msgs, m => toDay(m.value.timestamp)) var data = Object.keys(grouped) .map(day => { return { t: day * DAY, y: grouped[day].length } }) return data }) chartData(data => {[0].data = data chart.update() }) watchAll([chartData, context.range], (data, range) => { const { lower, upper } = range const slice = data .filter(d => d.t > lower && d.t <= upper) .map(d => d.y) .sort((a, b) => a < b) var h = slice[0] if (!h || h < 10) h = 10 else h = h + (5 - h % 5) // set the height of the graph to a minimum or 10, // or some multiple of 5 above the max height chart.options.scales.yAxes[0].ticks.max = h chart.update() }) context.range(range => { const { lower, upper } = range chart.options.scales.xAxes[0].time.min = new Date(lower - DAY / 2) chart.options.scales.xAxes[0].time.max = new Date(upper - DAY / 2) // the squeezing in by DAY/2 is to stop data outside range from half showing chart.update() }) return page } function viewBlog (blog) { return () => api.history.sync.push(blog) } } function getTitle (blog) { if (blog.value.content.title) return blog.value.content.title else if (blog.value.content.text) return marksum.title(blog.value.content.text) else return blog.key } function fetchBlogs ({ server, store }) { pull( server.blogStats.readBlogs({ reverse: false }), pull.drain(blog => { store.blogs.push(blog) fetchComments({ server, store, blog }) fetchLikes({ server, store, blog }) }) ) } function fetchComments ({ server, store, blog }) { if (!store.comments.has(blog.key)) store.comments.put(blog.key, MutantArray()) pull( server.blogStats.readComments(blog), pull.drain(msg => { store.comments.get(blog.key).push(msg) // TODO remove my comments from count? }) ) } function fetchLikes ({ server, store, blog }) { if (!store.likes.has(blog.key)) store.likes.put(blog.key, MutantArray()) pull( server.blogStats.readLikes(blog), pull.drain(msg => { store.likes.get(blog.key).push(msg) // TODO this needs reducing... like + unlike are muddled in here // find any thing by same author // if exists - over-write or delete }) ) } // TODO rm chartData and other overly smart things which didn't work from here function chartConfig ({ context }) { const { lower, upper } = resolve(context.range) return { type: 'bar', data: { datasets: [{ backgroundColor: 'hsla(215, 57%, 60%, 1)', // Ticktack Primary color:'hsla(215, 57%, 43%, 1)', borderColor: 'hsla(215, 57%, 60%, 1)', data: [] }] }, options: { legend: { display: false }, scales: { xAxes: [{ type: 'time', distribution: 'linear', time: { unit: 'day', min: new Date(lower - DAY / 2), max: new Date(upper - DAY / 2), tooltipFormat: 'MMMM D', stepSize: 7 }, bounds: 'ticks', ticks: { // maxTicksLimit: 4 }, gridLines: { display: false }, maxBarThickness: 20 }], yAxes: [{ ticks: { min: 0, suggestedMax: 10, // max: Math.max(localMax, 10), stepSize: 5 } }] }, animation: { // duration: 300 } } } }