const nest = require('depnest') const { h, Value, map, when, resolve, computed, onceTrue } = require('mutant') const get = require('lodash/get') const { heads } = require('ssb-sort') = nest('message.html.comment') exports.needs = nest({ 'about.html.avatar': 'first', '': 'first', 'backlinks.obs.for': 'first', 'blog.html.title': 'first', 'message.html.compose': 'first', 'message.html.markdown': 'first', 'message.html.timeago': 'first', 'message.html.likes': 'first', 'unread.sync.markRead': 'first', 'unread.sync.isUnread': 'first', 'sbot.obs.connection': 'first', 'translations.sync.strings': 'first' }) exports.create = (api) => { return nest('message.html.comment', Comment) function Comment ({ comment, replies, branch, showRootLink = false }) { const strings = api.translations.sync.strings() const msg = resolve(comment) var root = get(msg, 'value.content.root') if (!root) return const { author, content } = msg.value if (!replies) { replies = computed(api.backlinks.obs.for(msg.key), backlinks => { return backlinks.filter(backlinker => { const { type, root: _root, fork } = backlinker.value.content return type === 'post' && fork === msg.key && _root === root }) }) } if (!branch) { branch = computed(api.backlinks.obs.for(root), backlinks => { return heads(backlinks) }) } var className = api.unread.sync.isUnread(msg) ? ' -unread' : ' -read' api.unread.sync.markRead(msg) var title = Value() if (showRootLink) { processMessage(root, msg => { var t = title.set(t.innerText ? t.innerText : t) }) } var nestedReplyCompose = Value(false) const toggleCompose = () => nestedReplyCompose.set(!nestedReplyCompose()) const nestedReplyComposer = api.message.html.compose({ meta: { type: 'post', root, fork: msg.key, branch, channel: }, shrink: false, canAttach: true, canPreview: false, placeholder: strings.writeComment }, toggleCompose) return h('Comment', { className }, [ h('div.left', api.about.html.avatar(author, 'tiny')), h('div.right', [ h('section.context', [ h('',, api.message.html.timeago(msg), when(showRootLink, h('a.rootLink', {href: root}, ['<< ', title, ' >>'])) // TODO don't link to root, link to position of message within blog! ]), h('section.content', api.message.html.markdown(get(msg, 'value.content.text'))), h('section.actions', [ h('div.reply', { 'ev-click': toggleCompose }, [ h('i.fa.fa-commenting-o') ]), api.message.html.likes(msg) ]), when(replies, h('section.replies', map( replies, NestedComment, { comparer: (a, b) => { if (a === undefined || b === undefined) return false return a.key === b.key } } ) ) ), when(nestedReplyCompose, nestedReplyComposer) ]) ]) } function NestedComment (comment) { const msg = resolve(comment) const raw = get(msg, 'value.content.text') if (!raw) return const { author } = msg.value return h('Comment -nested', [ h('div.left'), h('div.right', [ h('section.context', [ h('',, api.message.html.timeago(msg) ]), h('section.content', api.message.html.markdown(raw)) ]) ]) } function processMessage (key, fn) { onceTrue(api.sbot.obs.connection, server => server.get(key, (err, value) => { if (err) return console.error(err) fn({ key, value }) })) } }