git ssb


mixmix / ticktack

Tree: ad8479ef8553f26f80510ad8a990631103af7f51

Files: ad8479ef8553f26f80510ad8a990631103af7f51 /

1804 bytesRaw


A blogging platform for the Scuttleverse




$ npm install
$ npm run rebuild

App env

To run a embedded sbot setup (recomended - this is how the installer will run):

  1. run npm start
  2. to debug sbot from terminal, run $ sbot whoami or $ sbot progress

Note you'll need a ~/.ssb/config file to be able to do (2). It should have the plugins you're using and a copy of the content of default-config.json, so will look something like (this example may be out of date, as we're no longer running a private network):

  "plugins": {
    "ssb-about": true,
    "ssb-backlinks": true
  "port": 43750,
  "blobsPort": 43751,
  "ws": { "port": 43751 },
  "caps": {"shs": "ErgQF85hFQpUXp69IXtLW+nXDgFIOKKDOWFX/st2aWk="},
  "autoinvite": ""

There are a couple of ENV vars made available to make development easier:

$ STARTUP_DELAY=0 STARTUP_PAGE=addressBook npm start

STARTUP_DELAY - defaults to 2000ms, setting it to 0 skips the splash screen pause STARTUP_PAGE - defaults to blogIndex, setting this to another page makes refreshing the app to a particular named page easy.

To run standalone sbot setup with standard ssb key + network :

  1. start you sbot $ sbot server
  2. run $ npm run start-electro in the repo directory

Remember that you will need the right sbot plugins installed on your global sbot.


Theses are in /translations. There's a helper script in there called checker.js which looks for translations in en (english) that are missing from zh (mandarin).

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