git ssb


mixmix / ticktack

Tree: 9b05eee01a12392729755fabfccef269c4748684

Files: 9b05eee01a12392729755fabfccef269c4748684 / translations / en.js

1324 bytesRaw
1module.exports = {
2 loading: 'Loading...',
3 optionalField: 'optional',
4 sendMessage: 'Send',
5 showMore: 'Show More',
6 channel: {
7 action: {
8 newThread: 'New thread'
9 }
10 },
11 directMessages: 'Direct Messages',
12 home: "Home",
13 error: "Error",
14 errorNotFound: "The page wasn't found",
15 groupNew: "New Group",
16 groupFind: {
17 action: {
18 findAGroup: 'Find Group',
19 newGroup: 'Create this group'
20 },
21 state: {
22 groupNotFound: 'This group does not exist yet.'
23 },
24 flash: {
25 createFirstThread: 'Start this group by posting the first thread.'
26 }
27 },
28 groupIndex: "Group Index",
29 settings: "Settings",
30 threadNew: {
31 pageTitle: 'New Thread',
32 field: {
33 to: 'To',
34 subject: 'Subject',
35 channel: 'Channel'
36 }
37 },
38 threadShow: 'Direct Messages',
39 userFind: {
40 action: {
41 findAUser: 'Find a user',
42 }
43 },
44 userShow: {
45 action: {
46 follow: 'Follow',
47 unfollow: 'Unfollow',
48 directMessage: 'New Direct Message'
49 },
50 state: {
51 friends: 'You are friends',
52 youFollow: 'You follow them',
53 theyFollow: 'They follow you',
54 userIsInGroups: "is in groups:",
55 userConversationsWith: 'conversations you\'ve had with',
56 follow: "Follow",
57 friendsInCommon: 'friends in common'
58 }
59 }

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