const tape = require('tape') const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const {Message} = require('primea-objects') const Hypervisor = require('primea-hypervisor') const WasmContainer = require('../') const level = require('level-browserify') const RadixTree = require('dfinity-radix-tree') const db = level(__dirname + '/testdb') const WASM_PATH = path.join(__dirname, 'wasm') let tester class TestWasmContainer extends WasmContainer { constructor (actor) { super(actor) this._storage = new Map() } getInterface (funcRef) { const orginal = super.getInterface(funcRef) const self = this return Object.assign(orginal, { test: { check: (a, b) => { tester.equals(a, b) }, print: (dataRef) => { let buf = self.refs.get(dataRef, 'data') console.log(buf.toString()) } } }) } } tape('i64', async t => { t.plan(1) tester = t const tree = new RadixTree({db}) let wasm = fs.readFileSync(WASM_PATH + '/i64.wasm') const hypervisor = new Hypervisor(tree) hypervisor.registerContainer(TestWasmContainer) const {module} = await hypervisor.createActor(TestWasmContainer.typeId, wasm) const funcRef = module.getFuncRef('main') funcRef.gas = 322000 const message = new Message({ funcRef }).on('execution:error', e => { console.log(e) }) hypervisor.send(message) }) tape('get_gas_budget', async t => { t.plan(2) tester = t const tree = new RadixTree({db}) let wasm = fs.readFileSync(WASM_PATH + '/get_gas_budget.wasm') const hypervisor = new Hypervisor(tree) hypervisor.registerContainer(TestWasmContainer) const {module} = await hypervisor.createActor(TestWasmContainer.typeId, wasm) const funcRef = module.getFuncRef('main') funcRef.gas = 322000 const message = new Message({ funcRef }).on('execution:error', e => { console.log(e) }) hypervisor.send(message) }) tape('reintinalizing', async t => { t.plan(1) tester = t const tree = new RadixTree({db}) let wasm = fs.readFileSync(WASM_PATH + '/reinternalize.wasm') const hypervisor = new Hypervisor(tree) hypervisor.registerContainer(TestWasmContainer) const {module} = await hypervisor.createActor(TestWasmContainer.typeId, wasm) const funcRef = module.getFuncRef('main') funcRef.gas = 322000 const message = new Message({ funcRef }).on('execution:error', e => { console.log(e) }) hypervisor.send(message) }) tape('basic', async t => { t.plan(1) tester = t const tree = new RadixTree({ db }) const wasm = fs.readFileSync(WASM_PATH + '/reciever.wasm') const hypervisor = new Hypervisor(tree) hypervisor.registerContainer(TestWasmContainer) const {module} = await hypervisor.createActor(TestWasmContainer.typeId, wasm) const funcRef = module.getFuncRef('receive') funcRef.gas = 300 const message = new Message({ funcRef, funcArguments: [5] }).on('execution:error', e => { console.log(e) }) hypervisor.send(message) // const stateRoot = await hypervisor.createStateRoot() // t.deepEquals(stateRoot, expectedState, 'expected root!') }) tape('empty', async t => { t.plan(1) tester = t const expectedState = Buffer.from('bb15867b26293aa36c774b8c82541dd64212ba9a', 'hex') const tree = new RadixTree({ db }) const wasm = fs.readFileSync(WASM_PATH + '/empty.wasm') const hypervisor = new Hypervisor(tree) hypervisor.registerContainer(TestWasmContainer) const {module} = await hypervisor.createActor(TestWasmContainer.typeId, wasm) const funcRef = module.getFuncRef('receive') funcRef.gas = 300 const message = new Message({ funcRef, funcArguments: [5] }) hypervisor.send(message) const stateRoot = await hypervisor.createStateRoot() t.deepEquals(stateRoot, expectedState, 'expected root!') }) tape('two communicating actors', async t => { t.plan(1) tester = t const expectedState = { '/': Buffer.from('8c230b5f0f680199b24ecd1800c2970dfca7cfdc', 'hex') } const tree = new RadixTree({db}) const recieverWasm = fs.readFileSync(WASM_PATH + '/reciever.wasm') const callerWasm = fs.readFileSync(WASM_PATH + '/caller.wasm') const hypervisor = new Hypervisor(tree) hypervisor.registerContainer(TestWasmContainer) const {module: receiverMod} = await hypervisor.createActor(TestWasmContainer.typeId, recieverWasm) const {module: callerMod} = await hypervisor.createActor(TestWasmContainer.typeId, callerWasm) const callFuncRef = callerMod.getFuncRef('call') const recvFuncRef = receiverMod.getFuncRef('receive') callFuncRef.gas = 100000 recvFuncRef.gas = 1000 const message = new Message({ funcRef: callFuncRef, funcArguments: [recvFuncRef] }) hypervisor.send(message) const stateRoot = await hypervisor.createStateRoot() // t.deepEquals(stateRoot, expectedState, 'expected root!') }) tape('two communicating actors with callback', async t => { t.plan(1) tester = t const expectedState = { '/': Buffer.from('9bf27cf07b75a90e0af530e2df73e3102482b24a', 'hex') } const tree = new RadixTree({ db }) const recieverWasm = fs.readFileSync(WASM_PATH + '/funcRef_reciever.wasm') const callerWasm = fs.readFileSync(WASM_PATH + '/funcRef_caller.wasm') const hypervisor = new Hypervisor(tree) hypervisor.registerContainer(TestWasmContainer) const {module: callerMod} = await hypervisor.createActor(TestWasmContainer.typeId, callerWasm) const {module: receiverMod} = await hypervisor.createActor(TestWasmContainer.typeId, recieverWasm) const callFuncRef = callerMod.getFuncRef('call') const recvFuncRef = receiverMod.getFuncRef('receive') callFuncRef.gas = 100000 recvFuncRef.gas = 100000 const message = new Message({ funcRef: callFuncRef, funcArguments: [recvFuncRef] }).on('execution:error', e => console.log(e)) hypervisor.send(message) const stateRoot = await hypervisor.createStateRoot() // t.deepEquals(stateRoot, expectedState, 'expected root!') }) tape('two communicating actors with private callback', async t => { t.plan(1) tester = t const expectedState = { '/': Buffer.from('9bf27cf07b75a90e0af530e2df73e3102482b24a', 'hex') } const tree = new RadixTree({ db }) const recieverWasm = fs.readFileSync(WASM_PATH + '/funcRef_reciever.wasm') const callerWasm = fs.readFileSync(WASM_PATH + '/private_caller.wasm') const hypervisor = new Hypervisor(tree) hypervisor.registerContainer(TestWasmContainer) const {module: callerMod} = await hypervisor.createActor(TestWasmContainer.typeId, callerWasm) const {module: receiverMod} = await hypervisor.createActor(TestWasmContainer.typeId, recieverWasm) const callFuncRef = callerMod.getFuncRef('call') const recvFuncRef = receiverMod.getFuncRef('receive') callFuncRef.gas = 100000 recvFuncRef.gas = 100000 const message = new Message({ funcRef: callFuncRef, funcArguments: [recvFuncRef] }) hypervisor.send(message) const stateRoot = await hypervisor.createStateRoot() // t.deepEquals(stateRoot, expectedState, 'expected root!') }) tape('externalize/internalize memory', async t => { t.plan(1) tester = t const tree = new RadixTree({ db }) const wasm = fs.readFileSync(WASM_PATH + '/memory.wasm') const hypervisor = new Hypervisor(tree) hypervisor.registerContainer(TestWasmContainer) const {module} = await hypervisor.createActor(TestWasmContainer.typeId, wasm) const funcRef = module.getFuncRef('test') funcRef.gas = 10000 const message = new Message({funcRef}).on('done', actor => { const a = actor.container.get8Memory(0, 5) const b = actor.container.get8Memory(5, 5) t.deepEquals(a, b, 'should copy memory correctly') }) hypervisor.send(message) }) tape('externalize/internalize table', async t => { t.plan(1) tester = t const tree = new RadixTree({ db }) const wasm = fs.readFileSync(WASM_PATH + '/table.wasm') const hypervisor = new Hypervisor(tree) hypervisor.registerContainer(TestWasmContainer) const {module} = await hypervisor.createActor(TestWasmContainer.typeId, wasm) const funcRef = module.getFuncRef('test') funcRef.gas = 10000 const message = new Message({funcRef}).on('done', actor => { const a = actor.container.get8Memory(0, 8) const b = actor.container.get8Memory(8, 8) t.deepEquals(a, b, 'should copy memory correctly') }) hypervisor.send(message) }) tape('load / store globals', async t => { t.plan(1) tester = t const tree = new RadixTree({ db }) const wasm = fs.readFileSync(WASM_PATH + '/globals.wasm') const hypervisor = new Hypervisor(tree) hypervisor.registerContainer(TestWasmContainer) const {module} = await hypervisor.createActor(TestWasmContainer.typeId, wasm) await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const funcRef = module.getFuncRef('store') funcRef.gas = 400 const message = new Message({ funcRef }).on('done', actor => { resolve() }) hypervisor.send(message) }) await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const funcRef = module.getFuncRef('load') funcRef.gas = 400 const message = new Message({ funcRef }).on('done', actor => { const b = actor.container.get8Memory(5, 4) const result = Buffer.from(b).toString() t.deepEquals(result, 'test', 'should copy memory correctly') resolve() }) hypervisor.send(message) }) }) tape('creation', async t => { t.plan(1) tester = t const tree = new RadixTree({db}) let wasm = fs.readFileSync(WASM_PATH + '/creation.wasm') let receiver = fs.readFileSync(WASM_PATH + '/reciever.wasm') const hypervisor = new Hypervisor(tree) hypervisor.registerContainer(TestWasmContainer) const {module} = await hypervisor.createActor(TestWasmContainer.typeId, wasm) const funcRef = module.getFuncRef('main') funcRef.gas = 322000 const message = new Message({ funcRef, funcArguments: [receiver] }).on('execution:error', e => { console.log(e) }) hypervisor.send(message) })