const tape = require('tape') const fs = require('fs') const WasmContainer = require('../index.js') const dir = `${__dirname}/wasm/` tape('interface tests', async t => { const code = fs.readFileSync(`${dir}testCode.wasm`) class TestInterface { constructor (opts) { opts.response.test = 'response!' } static get name () { return 'test' } } t.equals(, 'wasm', 'container should have a name') const container = new WasmContainer(code) t.ok(container instanceof WasmContainer, 'should be instance of a container class') const promise = await promise t.ok(promise instanceof Promise, 'run should return instance of promise') const results = await, null, [TestInterface]) t.deepEquals(results, { 'test': { 'test': 'response!' } }) t.end() }) tape('wasm interface test', async t => { t.plan(1) const code = fs.readFileSync(`${dir}testMem.wasm`) class TestInterfaceMem { constructor (opts) { this.opts = opts } static get name () { return 'test' } memory () { const memory = this.opts.vm.memory() t.ok(memory instanceof ArrayBuffer, 'should have access to memory') } } const container = new WasmContainer(code) await, null, [TestInterfaceMem]) }) tape('async wasm interface test', async t => { t.plan(1) const code = fs.readFileSync(`${dir}asyncTest.wasm`) class TestInterfaceMem { constructor (opts) { this.opts = opts } static get name () { return 'test' } async (cbOffset) { const opPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve() }) this.opts.vm.pushOpsQueue(opPromise, cbOffset) } done () { t.ok(true) } } const container = new WasmContainer(code) await, null, [TestInterfaceMem]) })