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wanderer🌟 / js-primea-wasm-container

Tree: b9771c43b3fc8be378582ea55e07a202d67a081e

Files: b9771c43b3fc8be378582ea55e07a202d67a081e / index.js

2129 bytesRaw
1module.exports = class WasmContainer {
2 /**
3 * The interface API is the api the exposed to interfaces. All queries about
4 * the enviroment and call to the kernel go through this API
5 */
6 constructor (code) {
7 this._module = WebAssembly.Module(code)
8 }
10 static get name () {
11 return 'wasm'
12 }
13 /**
14 * Runs the core VM with a given environment and imports
15 */
16 async run (message, kernel, imports = []) {
17 const responses = {}
18 /**
19 * Builds a import map with an array of given interfaces
20 */
21 function buildImports (opts, imports) {
22 const importMap = {}
23 for (const Import of imports) {
24 const name =
25 opts.response = responses[name] = {}
26 const newInterface = new Import(opts)
27 const props = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Import.prototype)
29 // bind the methods to the correct 'this'
30 for (const prop of props) {
31 newInterface[prop] = newInterface[prop].bind(newInterface)
32 }
33 importMap[name] = newInterface
34 }
35 return importMap
36 }
38 let instance
40 const opts = {
41 vm: {
42 /**
43 * adds an aync operation to the operations queue
44 */
45 pushOpsQueue: (promise, callbackIndex, intefaceCallback) => {
46 this._opsQueue = Promise.all([this._opsQueue, promise]).then(values => {
47 const result = intefaceCallback(values.pop())
48 instance.exports.callback.get(callbackIndex)(result)
49 })
50 },
51 memory: () => {
52 return instance.exports.memory.buffer
53 }
54 },
55 kernel: kernel,
56 message: message
57 }
58 const initializedImports = buildImports(opts, imports)
59 instance = WebAssembly.Instance(this._module, initializedImports)
61 if (instance.exports.main) {
62 instance.exports.main()
63 }
64 await this.onDone()
65 return responses
66 }
68 /**
69 * returns a promise that resolves when the wasm instance is done running
70 */
71 async onDone () {
72 let prevOps
73 while (prevOps !== this._opsQueue) {
74 prevOps = this._opsQueue
75 await this._opsQueue
76 }
77 }

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