const pull = require('pull-stream') const pullAsync = require('pull-async') const GetPoll = require('../../poll/async/get') const sort = require('ssb-sort') // var { link } = require('ssb-msg-schemas/util') // module.exports = function (server) { const getPoll = GetPoll(server) return function Position ({ poll = {}, details, reason, channel, mentions }, cb) { const content = { type: 'position', root: typeof poll === 'string' ? poll : poll.key, details } if (reason) content.reason = reason if (channel) { if (typeof channel !== 'string') { throw new Error('channel must be a string') } = channel } if (content.root && server) { getPoll(content.root, (err, {positions}) => { content.branch = sort.heads(positions) cb(err, content) }) } else { cb(null, content) } // // NOTE mentions can be derived from text, // // or we could leave it so you can manually notify people without having to at-mention spam the text // if (mentions && (!Array.isArray(mentions) || mentions.length)) { // mentions = links(mentions) // if (!mentions || !mentions.length) { throw new Error('mentions are not valid links') } // content.mentions = mentions // } // // NOTE recps should be derived from the poll I think // if (recps && (!Array.isArray(recps) || recps.length)) { // recps = links(recps) // if (!recps || !recps.length) { throw new Error('recps are not valid links') } // content.recps = recps // } } }