const pull = require('pull-stream') const sort = require('ssb-sort') const getContent = require('ssb-msg-content') const { isPoll, isPosition, isChooseOnePoll, isPollUpdate, isChooseOnePosition, parsePollUpdate } = require('ssb-poll-schema') isPoll.chooseOne = isChooseOnePoll isPosition.chooseOne = isChooseOnePosition const buildResults = require('../../results/sync/buildResults') const { CHOOSE_ONE, ERROR_POSITION_TYPE } = require('../../types') const publishChooseOnePosition = require('../../position/async/buildChooseOne') module.exports = function (server) { return function get (key, cb) { const myKey = server.get(key, (err, value) => { if (err) return cb(err) var poll = { key, value } if (!isPoll(poll)) return cb(new Error('scuttle-poll could not get poll, key provided was not a valid poll key')) pull( createBacklinkStream(key), pull.collect((err, msgs) => { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, decoratePoll(poll, msgs, myKey)) }) ) }) } function createBacklinkStream (key) { var filterQuery = { $filter: { dest: key } } return{ query: [filterQuery], index: 'DTA' // use asserted timestamps }) } } function decoratePoll (rawPoll, msgs = [], myKey) { const { author, content: { title, body, channel, details: { type } }, recps, mentions } = rawPoll.value const poll = Object.assign({}, rawPoll, { type, author, title, body, channel, recps, mentions, actions: { publishPosition }, positions: [], results: {}, errors: [], decorated: true }) function publishPosition (opts, cb) { if (poll.type === CHOOSE_ONE) { publishChooseOnePosition({ poll, choice: opts.choice, reason: opts.reason }, cb) } } function doesMsgRefPoll (msg) { return msg.value.content.root === poll.key } // TODO add missingContext warnings to each msg msgs = sort(msgs) const latestClosingTime = msgs .filter(doesMsgRefPoll) .filter(isPollUpdate) .map(msg => parsePollUpdate(msg).closesAt) .pop() if (latestClosingTime) poll.closesAt = latestClosingTime poll.positions = msgs .filter(doesMsgRefPoll) .filter(isPosition[type]) .map(position => { return decoratePosition({position, poll}) }) poll.myPosition = poll.positions .filter(p => === myKey) .sort((a, b) => { return a.value.timestamp > b.value.timestamp ? -1 : +1 })[0] poll.errors = msgs .filter(doesMsgRefPoll) .filter(msg => isPosition(msg) && !isPosition[type](msg)) .map(position => { return { type: ERROR_POSITION_TYPE, message: `Position responses need to be off the ${type} type for this poll`, position } }) const {results, errors} = buildResults({ poll, positions: poll.positions }) poll.results = results poll.errors = poll.errors.concat(errors) return poll } function decoratePosition ({position: rawPosition, poll: rawPoll}) { var position = getContent(rawPosition) var poll = getContent(rawPoll) // NOTE this isn't deep enough to be a safe clone var newPosition = Object.assign({}, rawPosition) newPosition.reason = position.reason if (isPoll.chooseOne(poll)) { var choiceIndex = position.details.choice newPosition.choice = poll.details.choices[choiceIndex] } return newPosition }