const nest = require('depnest') const { h, computed, onceTrue, Value, watch } = require('mutant') const merge = require('lodash/merge') = nest({ 'app.html.settings': true }) exports.needs = nest({ 'app.html.settings': 'map', 'config.sync.get': 'first', 'config.sync.getCustom': 'first', 'config.sync.setCustom': 'first' }) const friendsHops = 2 exports.create = function (api) { return nest({ 'app.html.settings': friendHopsConnections }) function friendHopsConnections () { let hops = Value(api.config.sync.get('friends.hops', friendsHops)) hops.initial = hops() watch(hops, hops => { const intHops = parseInt(hops) updateConfig(intHops) }) return { title: 'Friend Hops', body: h('FriendHops', [ h('div.description', [ 'Specify whose content you replicate, and thus the size and shape of your network.' ]), h('div.slider', [ h('datalist', { id: 'friends-hop-datalist' }, [ h('option', { value: 0, label: '0 - Only your messages' }), h('option', { value: 1, label: '1 - You and your friend\'s messages' }), h('option', { value: 2, label: '2 - You, your friend\'s, and your friend\'s friend\'s messages' }), h('option', { value: 3, label: '3 - You, your friend\'s, your friend\'s friend\'s, and their friend\'s messages' }) ]), h('input', { type: 'range', attributes: { list: 'friends-hop-datalist' }, min: 0, max: 3, value: hops, 'ev-change': (ev) => hops.set( }) ]), computed(hops, (_hops) => { if (_hops === hops.initial) return return h('div.alert', [ h('i.fa.fa-warning'), ' please restart patchbay for this to take effect' ]) }), ]) } function updateHops (hops) { onceTrue(api.sbot.obs.connection, sbot => { if (hops === go) pubs.set({}) else { sbot.friendPub.pubsWithinHops(hops, (_, pubsInHops) => { pubs.set(pubsInHops) }) } }) } } function updateConfig (hops) { const configCustom = api.config.sync.getCustom() const next = merge({}, configCustom, { friends: { hops } }) api.config.sync.setCustom(next) } }