const { h, Struct, Value, when, map, resolve, onceTrue } = require('mutant') const nest = require('depnest') const { isMsg, isFeed } = require('ssb-ref') = nest('') exports.needs = nest({ 'about.html.avatar': 'first', 'app.html.scroller': 'first', 'contact.obs.following': 'first', 'feed.obs.thread': 'first', '': 'first', message: { html: { compose: 'first', render: 'first' }, '': 'first', 'sync.unbox': 'first' }, sbot: { 'async.get': 'first', 'pull.links': 'first' } }) exports.create = function (api) { return nest('', threadPage) function threadPage (id) { if (!isMsg(id)) return const myId = const ImFollowing = const { messages, isPrivate, rootId, lastId, channel, recps } = api.feed.obs.thread(id) const meta = Struct({ type: 'post', root: rootId, branch: lastId, channel, recps }) const contactWarning = Value(false) const header = when(isPrivate, [ h('section.recipients', map(recps, r => { const id = isFeed(r) ? r : var className if (contactIsTrouble(id)) { className = 'warning' contactWarning.set(true) } return h('div', { className }, api.about.html.avatar(id)) })), when(contactWarning, h(' -warning', 'There is a person in this thread you do not follow (bordered in red). If you think you know this person it might be worth checking their profile to confirm they are who they say they are.'), h('', 'These are the other participants in this thread. Once a private thread is started you cannot add people to it.') ) ]) function contactIsTrouble (id) { if (id === myId) return false if (Array.from(ImFollowing()).includes(id)) return false return true } const composer = api.message.html.compose({ meta, placeholder: 'Write a reply', shrink: false }) const content = h('section.content', map(messages, m => { return api.message.html.render(resolve(m), {pageId: id}) })) const { container } ={ prepend: header, content, append: composer }) container.classList.add('Thread'), (err, name) => { if (err) throw err container.title = name }) onceTrue(channel, ch => { const channelInput = composer.querySelector('input') channelInput.value = `#${ch}` channelInput.disabled = true }) return container } }