var h = require('hyperscript') var pull = require('pull-stream') exports.needs = { avatar: 'first', avatar_edit: 'first', invite_parse: 'first', invite_accept: 'first', sbot_progress: 'first', sbot_query: 'first' } = { setup_is_fresh_install: true, progress_bar: true, setup_joined_network: true, screen_view: true } //maybe this could show the pubs, or //if someone locally follows you, //it could show the second degree pubs? //maybe show the network as animated graph? function followers_query (id) { return [{$filter: { value: {content: { type: "contact", contact: id, following: true, // autofollow: true }} }}] } exports.create = function (api) { return { setup_is_fresh_install, progress_bar, setup_joined_network, screen_view } //test whether we are connected to the ssb network. function setup_is_fresh_install (cb) { //test by checking whether you have any friends following you? pull( api.sbot_query({query: followers_query(id), limit: 1, live: false}), pull.collect(function (err, ary) { cb(err, !!ary.length) }) ) } function invite_form () { var accept = h('button', 'enter code', {disabled: true, onclick: function () { api.invite_accept(input.value, function (msg) { status.textContent = msg }, function (err) { if(err) { accept.textContent = 'error:'+(err.message || err.stack || error.type) console.error(err) } else { input.value = '' accept.textContent = 'success!' } }) }}) function parseInput () { if(!input.value) { accept.disabled = true accept.textContent = 'enter code' } else if(!invite_parse(input.value)) { accept.disabled = true accept.textContent = 'invalid code' } else { accept.disabled = false accept.textContent = 'accept' } } var input = h('input.wide', {placeholder: 'invite code', oninput: parseInput, onchange: parseInput}) return h('div.invite-form.row', input, accept) } function progress_bar () { var liquid = h('div.hyperprogress__liquid', '.') var bar = h('div.hyperprogress__bar', liquid) = '0%' pull( api.sbot_progress(), pull.drain(function (e) { = Math.round((e.progress/*100)+'%' }) ) return bar } //show the first 5 followers, and how they join you to the network. //so this will show if a local peer follows you. //when you join the network, I want this to show as people follow you. //that could be when a pub accepts the invite, or when a local peer accepts. function setup_joined_network (id) { var followers = h('div.column') var label = h('label', 'not connected to a network') var joined = h('div.setup__joined', label, followers) pull( api.sbot_query({query: followers_query(id), limit: 5, live: true, sync: false}), pull.drain(function (follower) { if(follower.sync) return label.textContent = 'connected to network via...' followers.appendChild( api.avatar(, 'thumbnail') ) }) ) return joined } function screen_view (path) { if(path !== '/setup') return var { id } = require('../keys') //set up an avatar var status = h('span') var invite = h('input', {placeholder: 'invite code'}) return h('div.scroller', [ h('div.scroller__wrapper', [ h('h1', 'welcome to patchbay!'), h('div', 'please choose avatar image and name', api.avatar_edit(id) ), h('h2', 'join network'), invite_form(), //show avatars of anyone on the same local network. //show realtime changes in your followers, especially for local. progress_bar(), setup_joined_network(id) ]) ]) } }