var nest = require('depnest') var { h, Struct, map, concat, dictToCollection, computed, lookup, watch, keys, resolve } = require('mutant') var KEY_SAMPLE_LENGTH = 10 // includes @ = nest('about.async.suggest') exports.needs = nest({ 'about.obs.groupedValues': 'first', '': 'first', 'about.obs.imageUrl': 'first', 'contact.obs.following': 'first', 'feed.obs.recent': 'first', '': 'first' }) exports.create = function (api) { var suggestions = null var recentSuggestions = null return nest('about.async.suggest', suggest) function suggest () { loadSuggestions() return function (word) { if (!word) return recentSuggestions() wordLower = word.toLowerCase() return suggestions() .filter(item => ~item.title.toLowerCase().indexOf(wordLower)) .sort((a, b) => { // where name is matching exactly so far if (a.title.indexOf(word) === 0) return -1 if (b.title.indexOf(word) === 0) return +1 // where name is matching exactly so far (case insensitive) if (a.title.toLowerCase().indexOf(wordLower) === 0) return -1 if (b.title.toLowerCase().indexOf(wordLower) === 0) return +1 }) .reduce((sofar, match) => { // prune down to the first instance of each id // this presumes if you were typing e.g. "dino" you don't need "ahdinosaur" as well if (sofar.find(el => === return sofar return [...sofar, match] }, []) .sort((a, b) => { // bubble up names where typed word matches our name for them if (a._isPrefered) return -1 if (b._isPrefered) return +1 }) } } function loadSuggestions () { if (suggestions) return var id = var following = var recentlyUpdated = api.feed.obs.recent() var contacts = computed([following, recentlyUpdated], (a, b) => { var result = new Set(a) b.forEach(item => result.add(item)) return Array.from(result) }) recentSuggestions = map( computed(recentlyUpdated, (items) => Array.from(items).slice(0, 10)), suggestion, {idle: true} ) const suggestionsRecord = lookup(contacts, contact => { return [contact, keys(api.about.obs.groupedValues(contact, 'name'))] }) suggestions = concat( map(dictToCollection(suggestionsRecord), pluralSuggestions, {idle: true}) ) watch(recentSuggestions) watch(suggestions) } function pluralSuggestions (item) { const id = resolve(item.key) return computed([], myNameForThem => { return map(item.value, name => { const names = item.value() const aliases = names .filter(n => n != name) .map(name => h('div.alias', { className: name === myNameForThem ? '-bold' : '' }, name )) return Struct({ id, title: name, subtitle: [ h('div.aliases', aliases), h('div.key', id.substring(0, KEY_SAMPLE_LENGTH)) ], value: mention(name, id), image: api.about.obs.imageUrl(id), showBoth: true, _isPrefered: name === myNameForThem }) }) }) } // feeds recentSuggestions function suggestion (id) { var name = return Struct({ id, title: name, subtitle: h('div.key', id.substring(0, KEY_SAMPLE_LENGTH)), value: computed([name, id], mention), image: api.about.obs.imageUrl(id), showBoth: true }) } } function mention (name, id) { return `[@${name}](${id})` }