const { h, Value, Dict, dictToCollection, onceTrue, computed } = require('mutant') module.exports = function ReplicationOut ({ connection }) { const state = buildState(connection) const body = h('ReplicationOut', [ // mix: hello friend, this area is a total Work In Progress. It's a mess but useful diagnostics. // Let's redesign and revisit it aye! h('div', ['My sequence: ', state.seq]), h('div', [ 'Replicated:', h('div', computed([state.seq, dictToCollection(state.replication)], (seq, replication) => { return => { if (!r.value.replicating) { return h('div', [ h('code', r.key), ' no ebt data' ]) } const { requested, sent } = r.value.replicating // TODO report that r.value.seq is NOT the current local value of the seq (well it's ok, just just gets out of sync) // const reqDiff = requested - r.value.seq const reqDiff = requested - seq const sentDiff = sent - seq return h('div', [ h('code', r.key), ` - requested: ${requested} `, reqDiff === 0 ? h('i.fa.fa-check-circle-o') : `(${reqDiff})`, `, sent: ${sent} `, sentDiff === 0 ? h('i.fa.fa-check-circle-o') : `(${sentDiff})` ]) }) })) ]) ]) return { title: 'Outgoing Traffic', body } } function buildState (connection) { // build seq, replication (my current state, and replicated state) const seq = Value() const replication = Dict({}) onceTrue(connection, server => { setInterval(() => { // TODO check ebt docs if this is best method server.ebt.peerStatus(, (err, data) => { if (err) return console.error(err) seq.set(data.seq) for (var peer in data.peers) { replication.put(peer, data.peers[peer]) } }) }, 5e3) }) return { seq, replication } }