const { h, Value, Dict, onceTrue, computed, watch, watchAll, throttle } = require('mutant') const Chart = require('chart.js') const pull = require('pull-stream') const MINUTE = 60 * 1000 const DAY = 24 * 60 * MINUTE const GRAPH_Y_MIN_STEP = 50 const GRAPH_Y_MIN = 100 module.exports = function ReplicationIn ({ connection }) { const minsPerStep = 10 const scale = 1 * DAY const height = 300 const width = 800 const state = buildState({ connection, minsPerStep, scale }) const canvas = h('canvas', { height, width, style: { height: `${height}px`, width: `${width}px` } }) const body = h('ReplicationIn', [ h('p', `Messages received per ${minsPerStep}-minute block over the last ${scale / DAY} days`), canvas ]) // TODO hook to abort streams initialiseChart({ state, canvas }) return { title: 'Incoming Traffic', body } } function buildState ({ connection, minsPerStep, scale }) { // build data, range const data = Dict({ [toTimeBlock(, minsPerStep) + minsPerStep * MINUTE]: 0, [toTimeBlock(, minsPerStep) + minsPerStep * MINUTE - scale]: 0 }) onceTrue(connection, server => { getData({ data, server, minsPerStep, scale }) }) const latest = Value(toTimeBlock(, minsPerStep)) // start of the most recent bar setInterval(() => { latest.set(toTimeBlock(, minsPerStep)) }, minsPerStep / 4 * MINUTE) const range = computed([latest], (latest) => { return { upper: latest + minsPerStep * MINUTE, lower: latest + minsPerStep * MINUTE - scale } }) return { data, // TODO rename this !! range } } function getData ({ data, server, minsPerStep, scale }) { const upperEnd = toTimeBlock(, minsPerStep) + minsPerStep * MINUTE const lowerBound = upperEnd - scale const query = [ { $filter: { timestamp: { $gte: lowerBound } } }, { $filter: { value: { author: { $ne: } } } }, { $map: { ts: ['timestamp'] } } ] pull({ query, live: true }), pull.filter(m => !m.sync), => toTimeBlock(m.ts, minsPerStep)), pull.drain(ts => { if (data.has(ts)) data.put(ts, data.get(ts) + 1) else data.put(ts, 1) }) ) } function toTimeBlock (ts, minsPerStep) { return Math.floor(ts / (minsPerStep * MINUTE)) * (minsPerStep * MINUTE) } function initialiseChart ({ canvas, state: { data, range } }) { var chart = new Chart(canvas.getContext('2d'), chartConfig(range)) watch(range, ({ lower, upper }) => { // set horizontal scale chart.options.scales.xAxes[0].time.min = lower chart.options.scales.xAxes[0].time.max = upper chart.update() }) watchAll([throttle(data, 300), range], (data, { lower, upper }) => { const _data = Object.keys(data) .sort((a, b) => a < b ? -1 : +1) .map(ts => { return { t: Number(ts), // NOTE - might need to offset by a half-step ? y: data[ts] } }) // update chard data[0].data = _data // scales the height of the graph (to the visible data)! const slice = _data .filter(d => d.t >= lower && d.t < upper) .map(d => d.y) .sort((a, b) => a > b ? -1 : +1) var max = slice[0] var stepSize = GRAPH_Y_MIN_STEP if (!max || max < GRAPH_Y_MIN) max = GRAPH_Y_MIN // min-height else { while ((max / stepSize) > 7) stepSize = stepSize * 2 max = Math.ceil(max / stepSize) * stepSize // round height to multiples of stepSize // max = max + (stepSize - max % stepSize) } chart.options.scales.yAxes[0].ticks.max = max chart.options.scales.yAxes[0].ticks.stepSize = stepSize // not sure this works chart.update() }) } function chartConfig ({ lower, upper }) { const barColor = 'hsla(215, 57%, 60%, 1)' return { type: 'bar', data: { datasets: [{ backgroundColor: barColor, borderColor: barColor, data: [] }] }, options: { legend: { display: false }, scales: { xAxes: [{ type: 'time', distribution: 'linear', time: { // unit: 'day', // min: lower, // max: upper, // tooltipFormat: 'MMMM D', // stepSize: 7 unit: 'minute', min: lower, max: upper, tooltipFormat: 'HH:mm', stepSize: 4 * 60 // stepSize: 240 }, bounds: 'ticks', ticks: { // maxTicksLimit: 4 // already disabled }, gridLines: { display: false }, maxBarThickness: 4 }], yAxes: [{ ticks: { min: 0, maxTicksLimit: 7, stepSize: GRAPH_Y_MIN_STEP, suggestedMax: GRAPH_Y_MIN } }] }, animation: { // duration: 300 } } } }