const { h, Value, resolve, onceTrue, when, computed } = require('mutant') // const { isInvite } = require('ssb-ref') function isInvite (code) { return typeof code === 'string' && code.length > 32 && code.startsWith('inv:') && code.endsWith('=') // TODO find actual peer-invite validator! } module.exports = function InvitePeer ({ connection }) { const state = { use: { invite: Value(), opening: Value(false), message: Value(null), accepting: Value(false), result: Value(null) }, create: { input: { private: Value(), reveal: Value() }, processing: Value(false), time: Value(), result: Value() } } const body = h('InvitePeer', [ h('p', [ h('i.fa.fa-warning'), ' BETA - peer invites are still being rolled out to pubs and tested.' ]), h('div.use', [ h('textarea', { 'placeholder': 'peer invite code', 'ev-input': handleInput }), // MIX : I hate this, it's a mess. There's a state machine emerging, but I don't have time to build it right now computed( [state.use.invite, state.use.opening, state.use.message, state.use.accepting], (invite, opening, message, accepting) => { if (opening || accepting) { return [ h('button', { disabled: 'disabled' }, [ h('i.fa.fa-spinner.fa-pulse') ]) ] } return [ message && message.private ? h('div.private', message.private) : '', message && message.reveal ? h('div.private', message.reveal) : '', message ? h('button -primary', { 'ev-click': acceptInvite }, 'accept invitation') : invite ? h('button -primary', { 'ev-click': openInvite }, 'use invite') : h('button', { disabled: 'disabled', title: 'not a valid invite code' }, 'use invite') ] } ), computed(state.use.result, result => { if (result === null) return return result ? h('i.fa.fa-check') : h('i.fa.fa-times') }) ]), h('div.create', [ h('p', 'make a new peer invite code:'), h('div.form', [ h('div.inputs', [ h('textarea.private', { placeholder: 'private message your friend will see when they open this invite', 'ev-input': (ev) => state.create.input.private.set( }), h('textarea.reveal', { placeholder: 'an introduction message which the community will be able to read when this invite is accepted', 'ev-input': (ev) => state.create.input.reveal.set( }) ]), h('button', { 'ev-click': createInvite, disabled: state.create.processing }, 'create peer-invite') ]), h('div.result', [ when(state.create.processing, [ 'creating an peer invite takes some time.', h('br'), 'time so far: ', state.create.time ]), when(state.create.result, h('div.code', [ h('code', state.create.result) ])) ]) ]) ]) function createInvite () { state.create.processing.set(true) var start = var SECOND = 1e3 var MINUTE = 60 * SECOND onceTrue(connection, sbot => { var interval = setInterval( () => { const dt = - start const mins = Math.floor(dt / MINUTE) const secs = Math.floor((dt - mins * MINUTE) / SECOND) state.create.time.set(`${mins} mins, ${secs} seconds`) }, SECOND ) const opts = { private: resolve(state.create.input.private), reveal: resolve(state.create.input.reveal) } sbot.peerInvites.create(opts, (err, invite) => { if (err) return console.error(err) clearInterval(interval) state.create.result.set(invite) state.create.processing.set(false) }) }) } function handleInput (ev) { state.use.result.set(null) const invite =^\s*"?/, '').replace(/"?\s*$/, '') if (!isInvite(invite)) return = invite state.use.invite.set(invite) } function openInvite () { state.use.opening.set(true) onceTrue(connection, server => { server.peerInvites.openInvite(resolve(state.use.invite), (err, data) => { state.use.opening.set(false) if (err) { state.use.result.set(false) console.error(err) return } console.log(err, data) // NOTE no opened arriving ... // HACK const m = data.opened || { private: 'kiaora gorgeous, welcome' } state.use.message.set(m) }) }) } function acceptInvite () { state.use.accepting.set(true) onceTrue(connection, server => { server.peerInvites.acceptInvite(resolve(state.use.invite), (err, confirm) => { state.use.accepting.set(false) if (err) { state.use.result.set(false) console.error(err) return } console.log('peerInvites.acceptInvite worked:', confirm) state.use.result.set(true) }) }) } return { title: 'peer invites', body } }