const nest = require('depnest') const { h, Value, computed, when } = require('mutant') const Scroller = require('mutant-scroll') const next = require('pull-next-query') const json5 = require('json5') = nest({ 'app.html.menuItem': true, '': true }) exports.needs = nest({ 'app.sync.goTo': 'first', 'message.html.render': 'first', '': 'first' }) // TODO ?? extract a module patchbay-devtools ? exports.create = function (api) { return nest({ 'app.html.menuItem': menuItem, '': queryPage }) function menuItem () { return h('a', { 'ev-click': () =>{ page: 'query' }) }, '/query') } function queryPage (location) { const input = Value() const error = computed(input, i => { try { var query = json5.parse(i) } catch (err) { // console.error(err) return err } if (isValidQuery(query)) activateQuery() }) const { initialQuery, initialValue } = getInitialState(location) const query = Value(initialQuery) const activateQuery = () => query.set(json5.parse(input())) return h('Query', { title: '/query' }, [ h('section.query', [ h('textarea', { 'ev-input': ev => input.set(, value: initialValue }), h('button', { className: when(error, '', '-primary'), disabled: when(error, 'disabled'), 'ev-click': activateQuery }, 'Go!') ]), h('section.output', [ computed(query, query => { return Scroller({ streamToBottom: source(query), render: msg => h('pre', JSON.stringify(msg, null, 2)), comparer: (a, b) => { if (a && b && a.key && b.key) return a.key === b.key return a === b } }) }) ]) ]) } function source (query) { const opts = { query, reverse: true, limit: 50 } return => { return next(, opts, ['value', 'timestamp']) }) } } function getInitialState (location) { const { initialQuery, initialValue } = location if (isValidQuery(initialQuery)) { return { initialQuery, initialValue: initialValue || json5.stringify(initialQuery, null, 2) } } const defaultValue = `[{ $filter: { value: { timestamp: {$gt: 0}, content: { type: 'post' } } } }, { $map: { author: ['value', 'author'], text: ['value', 'content', 'text'], ts: { received: ['timestamp'], asserted: ['value', 'timestamp'] } } }] // $filter - used to prune down results. This must be the first entry, as ssb-query uses it to determine the most optimal index for fast lookup. // $map - optional, can be used to pluck data you want out. Doing this reduces the amount of data sent over muxrpc, which speeds up loading ` return { initialQuery: json5.parse(defaultValue), initialValue: defaultValue } } function isValidQuery (query) { if (!Array.isArray(query)) return false if (! => Object.keys(q)[0]).every(q => ['$filter', '$map', '$reduce'].includes(q))) return false return true }