const nest = require('depnest') const { h, Value, Array: MutantArray, Struct, computed, when, map } = require('mutant') const pull = require('pull-stream') const Scroller = require('mutant-scroll') const next = require('pull-next-query') const merge = require('lodash/merge') const get = require('lodash/get') const sort = require('ssb-sort') = nest({ 'app.html.menuItem': true, '': true }) exports.needs = nest({ '': 'first', 'about.html.avatar': 'first', '': 'first', 'app.sync.goTo': 'first', // 'feed.pull.public': 'first', 'sbot.async.get': 'first', '': 'first', 'message.html.compose': 'first', 'message.html.markdown': 'first', 'message.html.timestamp': 'first', 'message.obs.backlinks': 'first' }) exports.create = function (api) { return nest({ 'app.html.menuItem': menuItem, '': postsPage }) function menuItem () { return h('a', { style: { order: 1 }, 'ev-click': () =>{ page: 'posts' }) }, '/posts') } function postsPage (location) { const BY_UPDATE = 'by update' const BY_ROOT = 'by root' const state = Value(BY_UPDATE) const viewSettings = h('section.viewSettings', [ h('button', 'hey!') ]) return computed(state, state => { var page = byUpdatePage() page.title = '/posts' page.scroll = keyscroll(page.querySelector('section.content')) return page }) function byUpdatePage () { return Scroller({ classList: ['Posts'], prepend: [ viewSettings, Composer(location) ], streamToTop: createStream({ live: true, old: false }), streamToBottom: createStream({ reverse: true }), updateTop: (soFar, msg) => { const root = getRoot(msg) if (soFar.includes(root)) soFar.delete(root) soFar.insert(root) }, updateBottom: (soFar, msg) => { const root = getRoot(msg) if (!soFar.includes(root)) soFar.push(root) }, render }) function createStream (opts) { return => { // by_update - stream by receive time const defaults = { limit: 50, query: [{ $filter: { timestamp: { $gt: 0 }, value: { content: { type: 'post', recps: { $not: true } } } } }] } return next(, merge({}, defaults, opts), ['timestamp']) }) } } } function Composer (location) { return api.message.html.compose({ location, meta: { type: 'post' }, placeholder: 'Write a public message' }) } // TODO - move out into message.html.render ? function render (key) { const root = Struct({ avatar: '', author: '', timestamp: '', md: '' }) api.sbot.async.get(key, (err, value) => { if (err) console.error('ThreadCard could not fetch ', key) root.avatar.set(api.about.html.avatar( root.timestamp.set(api.message.html.timestamp({ key, value })) }) const repliesCount = Value() const recent = MutantArray([]) const likesCount = Value() const backlinksCount = Value() const participants = MutantArray([]) const opts = { query: [{ $filter: { dest: key } }], index: 'DTA' // asserted timestamp } pull( =>, pull.collect((err, msgs) => { if (err) console.error(err) msgs = sort(msgs) const replies = msgs .filter(isPost) .filter(m => getRoot(m) === key) repliesCount.set(replies.length) recent.set(lastFew(replies)) const likes = msgs.filter(isLikeOf(key)) likesCount.set(likes.length) const backlinks = msgs .filter(isPost) .filter(m => getRoot(m) !== key) backlinksCount.set(backlinks.length) const authors = replies .map(m => participants.set(Array.from(new Set(authors))) }) ) const className = computed(, r => r ? '' : '-loading') const onClick = ev => { ev.preventDefault() ev.stopPropagation() } return h('ThreadCard', { className, attributes: { tabindex: '0', // needed to be able to navigate and show focus() 'data-id': key // TODO do this with decorators? } }, [ h('section.context', [ h('div.avatar', root.avatar), h('',, h('div.timestamp', root.timestamp), h('div.counts', [ h('div.comments', [ repliesCount, h('i.fa.fa-comment-o') ]), h('div.likes', [ likesCount, h('i.fa.fa-heart-o') ]), h('div.backlinks', [ backlinksCount, h('i.fa.fa-link') ]) ]), h('div.participants', map(participants, api.about.html.avatar)) ]), h('section.content-preview', { 'ev-click': onClick }, [ h('div.root',, h('div.recent', map(recent, msg => { return h('div.msg', [ h('',, ': ', h('div.preview', [ api.message.html.markdown(msg.value.content).innerText.slice(0, 120), '...' ]) ]) })) ]) ]) } } function getRoot (msg) { return get(msg, 'value.content.root', msg.key) } function isPost (msg) { return get(msg, 'value.content.type') === 'post' } function isLikeOf (key) { return function (msg) { return get(msg, 'value.content.type') === 'vote' && get(msg, '') === key } } function lastFew (arr) { return arr.reverse().slice(0, 3).reverse() } // copied from app.html.scroller function keyscroll (content) { var curMsgEl if (!content) return () => {} content.addEventListener('click', onActivateChild, false) content.addEventListener('focus', onActivateChild, true) function onActivateChild (ev) { for (var el =; el; el = el.parentNode) { if (el.parentNode === content) { curMsgEl = el return } } } return function scroll (d) { selectChild((!curMsgEl || d === 'first') ? content.firstChild : d < 0 ? curMsgEl.previousElementSibling || content.firstChild : d > 0 ? curMsgEl.nextElementSibling || content.lastChild : curMsgEl) return curMsgEl } function selectChild (el) { if (!el) { return } if (!el.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded && !el.scrollIntoView) return ;(el.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded || el.scrollIntoView).call(el) el.focus() curMsgEl = el } }