'use strict' const fs = require('fs') const h = require('../h') const suggest = require('suggest-box') const mentions = require('ssb-mentions') const cont = require('cont') exports.needs = { suggest_mentions: 'map', //<-- THIS MUST BE REWRITTEN publish: 'first', message_content: 'first', message_confirm: 'first', file_input: 'first' } exports.gives = { 'message_compose': true, 'mcss': true } exports.create = function (api) { return { message_compose, mcss: () => fs.readFileSync(__filename.replace(/js$/, 'mcss'), 'utf8') } /* opts can take placeholder: string. placeholder text, defaults to "Write a message" prepublish: function. called before publishing a message. shrink: boolean. set to false, to make composer not shrink (or hide controls) when unfocused. */ function message_compose (meta = {}, opts = {}, cb) { if(!meta.type) throw new Error('message must have type') if('function' === typeof cb) { if('function' === typeof opts) { opts = {prepublish: opts} } } opts.prepublish = opts.prepublish || id var actions var textArea = h('textarea', { placeholder: opts.placeholder || 'Write a message' }) if(opts.shrink !== false) { var blur textArea.addEventListener('focus', () => { clearTimeout(blur) if(!textArea.value) { composer.className = 'Compose -expanded' } }) textArea.addEventListener('blur', () => { //don't shrink right away, so there is time //to click the publish button. clearTimeout(blur) blur = setTimeout(() => { if(textArea.value) return composer.className = 'Compose -contracted' }, 300) }) } textArea.addEventListener('keydown', ev => { if(ev.keyCode === 13 && ev.ctrlKey) publish() }) var files = [] var filesById = {} function publish() { publishBtn.disabled = true var content try { content = JSON.parse(textArea.value) } catch (err) { meta.text = textArea.value meta.mentions = mentions(textArea.value).map(mention => { // merge markdown-detected mention with file info var file = filesById[mention.link] if (file) { if (file.type) mention.type = file.type if (file.size) mention.size = file.size } return mention }) try { meta = opts.prepublish(meta) } catch (err) { publishBtn.disabled = false if (cb) cb(err) else alert(err.message) } return api.message_confirm(meta, done) } api.message_confirm(content, done) function done (err, msg) { publishBtn.disabled = false if(err) return alert(err.stack) else if (msg) textArea.value = '' if (cb) cb(err, msg) } } var fileInput = api.file_input(file => { files.push(file) filesById[file.link] = file var embed = file.type.indexOf('image/') === 0 ? '!' : '' textArea.value += embed + '['+file.name+']('+file.link+')' composer.className = 'Compose -expanded' console.log('added:', file) }) var publishBtn = h('button', {'ev-click': publish}, 'Publish' ) var actions = h('section.actions', [ fileInput, publishBtn ]) var composer = h('Compose', { className: opts.shrink === false ? '-expanded' : '-contracted' }, [ textArea, actions ]) suggest(textArea, (name, cb) => { cont.para(api.suggest_mentions(name)) ((err, ary) => { cb(null, ary.reduce((a, b) => { if(!b) return a return a.concat(b) }, [])) }) }, {}) return composer } } function id (e) { return e }