const nest = require('depnest') const Scroller = require('pull-scroll') const pull = require('pull-stream') const { h, watch } = require('mutant') const next = require('../../junk/next-stepper') = nest({ 'app.html.menuItem': true, '': true }) exports.needs = nest({ 'about.html.edit': 'first', '': 'first', 'app.html.scroller': 'first', 'app.sync.goTo': 'first', 'contact.html.relationships': 'first', '': 'first', 'message.html.render': 'first', 'sbot.pull.userFeed': 'first' }) exports.create = function (api) { return nest({ 'app.html.menuItem': menuItem, '': profilePage }) function menuItem () { return h('a', { style: { order: 0 }, 'ev-click': () => }, '/profile') } function profilePage (location) { const { feed: id } = location const profile = h('Profile', [ h('section.edit', api.about.html.edit(id)), h('section.relationships',, h('section.activity', [ h('header', 'Activity') // ideally the scroller content would go in here ]) ]) var { container, content } ={ prepend: profile }) pull( api.sbot.pull.userFeed({id: id, old: false, live: true}), Scroller(container, content, api.message.html.render, true, false) ) // how to handle when have scrolled past the start??? pull( next(api.sbot.pull.userFeed, { id: id, reverse: true, limit: 50, live: false }, ['value', 'sequence']), // pull.through(console.log.bind(console)), Scroller(container, content, api.message.html.render, false, false) ) watch(, name => { container.title = '@' + name }) return container } }