var { h } = require('mutant') const nest = require('depnest') const pull = require('pull-stream') const sort = require('ssb-sort') const ref = require('ssb-ref') = nest('') exports.needs = nest({ // 'feed.pull.public': 'first', '': 'first', 'main.html.scroller': 'first', message: { html: { compose: 'first', render: 'first' }, '': 'first', 'sync.unbox': 'first' }, sbot: { 'async.get': 'first', 'pull.links': 'first' } }) exports.create = function (api) { return nest('', threadPage) function threadPage (id) { if (!ref.isMsg(id)) return var meta = { type: 'post', root: id, branch: id // mutated when thread is loaded. } const composer = api.message.html.compose({ meta, placeholder: 'Write a reply', shrink: false }) const { container, content } = api.main.html.scroller({ append: composer }), (err, name) => { if (err) throw err container.title = name }) // TODO rewrite with obs pull( api.sbot.pull.links({ rel: 'root', dest: id, keys: true, old: false }), pull.drain(msg => loadThread(), () => {}) // redraw thread ) function loadThread () { getThread(id, (err, thread) => { if (err) return content.appendChild(h('pre', err.stack)) // would probably be better keep an id for each message element // (i.e. message key) and then update it if necessary. // also, it may have moved (say, if you received a missing message) content.innerHTML = '' // decrypt thread = => { return typeof msg.value.content === 'string' ? api.message.sync.unbox(msg) : msg }) sort(thread) .map(api.message.html.render) .filter(Boolean) .forEach(el => content.appendChild(el)) var branches = sort.heads(thread) meta.branch = branches.length > 1 ? branches : branches[0] meta.root = thread[0].value.content.root || thread[0].key = thread[0] // TODO - re-enable with channel-picker // if ( { // const channelInput = composer.querySelector('input') // channelInput.value = `#${}` // channelInput.disabled = true // } const priv = thread[0].value['private'] const recps = thread[0].value.content.recps if (priv) { if (recps) meta.recps = recps else meta.recps = [thread[0],] } }) } loadThread() return container } function getThread (root, cb) { // in this case, it's inconvienent that panel only takes // a stream. maybe it would be better to accept an array? api.sbot.async.get(root, (err, value) => { if (err) return cb(err) var msg = { key: root, value } // if (value.content.root) return getThread(value.content.root, cb) pull( api.sbot.pull.links({ rel: 'root', dest: root, values: true, keys: true }), pull.collect((err, ary) => { if (err) return cb(err) ary.unshift(msg) cb(null, ary) }) ) }) } }