const nest = require('depnest') const pull = require('pull-stream') const Scroller = require('pull-scroll') const next = require('../../../junk/next-stepper') const ref = require('ssb-ref') = nest('') exports.needs = nest({ 'feed.pull.private': 'first', '': 'first', 'main.html.scroller': 'first', 'message.html': { compose: 'first', render: 'first' } }) exports.create = function (api) { return nest('', privatePage) function privatePage (path) { if (path !== '/private') return const id = const composer = api.message.html.compose({ meta: { type: 'post' }, prepublish: meta => { meta.recps = [id, ...meta.mentions] .filter(m => ref.isFeed(typeof m === 'string' ? m : return meta }, placeholder: 'Write a private message. \n\n@mention users in the first message to start a private thread.'} ) const { container, content } = api.main.html.scroller({ prepend: composer }) pull( next(api.feed.pull.private, {old: false, limit: 100}), Scroller(container, content, api.message.html.render, true, false) ) pull( next(api.feed.pull.private, {reverse: true, limit: 100, live: false}), Scroller(container, content, api.message.html.render, false, false) ) return container } }