var nest = require('depnest') const { h, Value } = require('mutant') exports.needs = nest({ 'message.html': { backlinks: 'first', author: 'first', meta: 'map', action: 'map', timestamp: 'first' }, 'about.html.image': 'first' }) = nest('message.html.layout') exports.create = (api) => { return nest('message.html.layout', messageLayout) function messageLayout (msg, opts) { if (!(opts.layout === undefined || opts.layout === 'default')) return var rawMessage = Value(null) return h('Message', { attributes: { tabindex: '0' // needed to be able to navigate and show focus() } }, [ h('section.avatar', {}, api.about.html.image(, h('section.timestamp', {}, api.message.html.timestamp(msg)), h('', {},, h('section.meta', {}, api.message.html.meta(msg, { rawMessage })), h('section.title', {}, opts.title), h('section.content', {}, opts.content), h('section.raw-content', rawMessage), h('section.actions', {}, api.message.html.action(msg)), h('footer.backlinks', {}, api.message.html.backlinks(msg)) ]) } }