const nest = require('depnest') const { h, Value, when } = require('mutant') const Abort = require('pull-abortable') const pull = require('pull-stream') const addSuggest = require('suggest-box') const { isFeed } = require('ssb-ref') = nest('app.html.filter') exports.needs = nest({ 'about.async.suggest': 'first', 'contact.obs.following': 'first', '': 'first' }) exports.create = function (api) { return nest({ 'app.html.filter': Filter }) function Filter (draw) { const showFilters = Value(false) const myId = const peopleIFollow = const onlyPeopleIFollow = Value(false) const onlyAuthor = Value() const showPost = Value(true) const showAbout = Value(true) const showVote = Value(true) const showContact = Value(true) const showChannel = Value(true) const showPub = Value(false) const authorInput = h('input', { 'ev-keyup': (ev) => { const author = if (author && !isFeed(author)) return onlyAuthor.set(author) draw() } }) const filterMenu = h('Filter', [ h('i', { classList: when(showFilters, 'fa fa-filter -active', 'fa fa-filter'), 'ev-click': () => showFilters.set(!showFilters()) }), h('div', { className: when(showFilters, '', '-hidden') }, [ h('header', [ 'Filter', h('i.fa.fa-filter') ]), h('section', [ h('', [ h('label', 'Show author'), authorInput ]), toggle({ obs: onlyPeopleIFollow, label: 'Only people I follow' }), h('div.refresh', { 'ev-click': draw }, [ h('label', 'refresh'), h('i.fa.fa-refresh') ]), h('div.message-types', [ h('header', 'Show messages'), toggle({ obs: showPost, label: 'post' }), toggle({ obs: showVote, label: 'like' }), toggle({ obs: showAbout, label: 'about' }), toggle({ obs: showContact, label: 'contact' }), toggle({ obs: showChannel, label: 'channel' }), toggle({ obs: showPub, label: 'pub' }) ]) ]) ]) ]) function toggle ({ obs, label }) { return h('FilterToggle', { 'ev-click': () => { obs.set(!obs()) draw() }}, [ h('label', label), h('i', { classList: when(obs, 'fa fa-check-square-o', 'fa fa-square-o') }) ] ) } // NOTE: suggest needs to be added after the input has a parent const getProfileSuggestions = api.about.async.suggest() addSuggest(authorInput, (inputText, cb) => { if (inputText[0] === '@') inputText = inputText.slice(1) cb(null, getProfileSuggestions(inputText)) }, {cls: 'SuggestBox'}) authorInput.addEventListener('suggestselect', ev => { authorInput.value = }) function followFilter (msg) { if (!onlyPeopleIFollow()) return true return Array.from(peopleIFollow()).includes( } function authorFilter (msg) { if (!onlyAuthor()) return true return === onlyAuthor() } function messageFilter (msg) { switch (msg.value.content.type) { case 'post': return showPost() case 'vote': return showVote() case 'about': return showAbout() case 'contact': return showContact() case 'channel': return showChannel() case 'pub': return showPub() default: return true } } var downScrollAborter function filterDownThrough () { return pull( downScrollAborter, pull.filter(followFilter), pull.filter(authorFilter), pull.filter(messageFilter) ) } var upScrollAborter function filterUpThrough () { return pull( upScrollAborter, pull.filter(followFilter), pull.filter(authorFilter), pull.filter(messageFilter) ) } function resetFeed ({ container, content }) { if (typeof upScrollAborter === 'function') { upScrollAborter.abort() downScrollAborter.abort() } upScrollAborter = Abort() downScrollAborter = Abort() container.scroll(0) content.innerHTML = '' } return { filterMenu, filterDownThrough, filterUpThrough, resetFeed } } }