const nest = require('depnest') const { h } = require('mutant') const pull = require('pull-stream') const pullMerge = require('pull-merge') const pullAbort = require('pull-abortable') const Scroller = require('pull-scroll') const next = require('pull-next-query') const BookNotifications = require('scuttle-book/pull/notifications') = nest({ 'app.html.menuItem': true, '': true }) exports.needs = nest({ 'app.html.filter': 'first', 'app.html.scroller': 'first', 'app.sync.goTo': 'first', 'feed.pull.public': 'first', '': 'first', 'message.html.render': 'first', 'message.sync.isBlocked': 'first', '': 'first' }) exports.create = function (api) { return nest({ 'app.html.menuItem': menuItem, '': notificationsPage }) function menuItem () { return h('a', { 'ev-click': () =>{ page: 'notifications' }) }, '/notifications') } function notificationsPage (location) { const { filterMenu, filterDownThrough, filterUpThrough, resetFeed } = const { container, content } ={ prepend: [ filterMenu ] }) var abortableDown = pullAbort() var abortableUp = pullAbort() function draw () { resetFeed({ container, content }) abortableDown.abort() abortableDown = pullAbort() pull( pullMentions({ old: false, live: true }), abortableDown, filterDownThrough(), Scroller(container, content, render, true, false) ) abortableUp.abort() abortableUp = pullAbort() pull( pullMentions({ reverse: true, live: false }), abortableUp, filterUpThrough(), Scroller(container, content, render, false, false) ) } draw() container.title = '/notifications' return container } function render (msg) { return api.message.html.render(msg, { showTitle: true }) } // NOTE - currently this stream is know to pick up: // - post mentions (public) // - patchwork replies (public) // - scry (public, private) // - reviews on scuttle-books you posted (public) function pullMentions (opts) { const query = [{ $filter: { dest:, timestamp: { $gt: 0 } } }, { $filter: { value: { author: { $ne: } // not my messages! // NOTE putting this in second filter might be necessary to stop index trying to use this author value } } }] const _opts = Object.assign({ query, limit: 100, index: 'DTA' }, opts) return => { const bookNotifications = BookNotifications(server) return pullMerge( pull( next(, _opts, ['timestamp']), pull.filter(m => { if (m.value.content.type !== 'post') return true return !m.value.private // no private posts }), pull.filter(m => !api.message.sync.isBlocked(m)) ), pull(bookNotifications(, opts)), (lhs, rhs) => { return rhs.value.timestamp - lhs.value.timestamp } ) }) } }