var ref = require('ssb-ref') var ssbClient = require('ssb-client') var id = require('../keys').id var h = require('hyperscript') var Progress = require('hyperprogress') var plugs = require('../plugs') var sbot_publish = plugs.first(exports.sbot_publish = []) //check that invite is // ws:...~shs:key:seed function parseMultiServerInvite (invite) { var redirect = invite.split('#') if(!redirect.length) return null var parts = redirect[0].split('~') .map(function (e) { return e.split(':') }) if(parts.length !== 2) return null if(!/^(net|wss?)$/.test(parts[0][0])) return null if(parts[1][0] !== 'shs') return null if(parts[1].length !== 3) return null var p2 = invite.split(':') p2.pop() return { invite: redirect[0], remote: p2.join(':'), redirect: '#' + redirect.slice(1).join('#') } } exports.screen_view = function (invite) { var data = parseMultiServerInvite(invite) if(!data) return var progress = Progress(4) //connect to server //request follow //post pub announce //post follow pub var div = h('div.column', h('div', "you have been invited to join:", h('br'), h('code', data.invite) ), h('button', 'accept', {onclick: attempt}), progress ) function attempt () { progress.reset().next('connecting...') ssbClient(null, { remote: data.invite, manifest: { invite: {use: 'async'}, getAddress: 'async' } }, function (err, sbot) { if(err) return'requesting follow...') sbot.invite.use({feed: id}, function (err, msg) { if(err) return'following...') //remove the seed from the shs address. //then it's correct address. //this should make the browser connect to this as remote. //we don't want to do this if when using this locally, though. if(process.title === 'browser') localStorage.remote = data.remote sbot_publish({ type: 'contact', contact:, following: true, }, function (err) { if(err) return progress.complete() //check for redirect var parts = location.hash.substring(1).split('#') //TODO: handle in a consistent way with either hashrouting //or with tabs... if(parts[0] === data.invite) location.hash = data.redirect else console.log("NO REDIRECT") }) }) }) } // If we are in the browser, // and do not already have a remote set, automatically trigger the invite. if(process.title == 'browser' && !localStorage.remote) attempt() return div }