# patchbay Prototype of a pluggable patchwork. Patchbay uses [depject](https://npm.im/depject) to provide a highly composable api. all scripts in the `./modules` directory are loaded and combined using [depject](https://npm.im/depject) This makes in very easy to create say, a renderer for a new message type, or switch to a different method for choosing user names. ## overview Currently, the main module is `tabs.js` which plugs into the `app` socket, and provides the `screen_view` socket. when you click a link, `screen_view` socket with the link path, which returns a html element which becomes a new tab. currently, `main.js` `feed.js` and `thread.js` plug into `screen_view` and then in turn, call the `message_render` socket, which calls `message_content` `avatar` `message_meta` `message_action` and `message_link`. `avatar.js` plugs into `avatar`, and provides the `avatar_name` socket. it just returns a link to the public key, labled with what it gets back from `avatar_name` socket. this is in turn provided by the `names.js` module. Two modules plug into `message_content`, `post.js` and `like.js` No plugs into the `message_action` socket have been implemented yet, but whatever is returned from this will inserted into the dom at the bottom of the message (by the `message` module) so this would be the plug to use for implementing a like/+1/fav/dig/yup button, or a reply button. ## other ideas Editable messages would probably need to plug into several sockets. firstly they would render content differently, so probably use the `message_content` socket. secondly they would need to show edit state, which would probably use `message_meta` and finially they'd need to provide the ability to edit the message! that would use `message_action` Implementing a "events" message type would be easy, just implement another plug for `message_content`, that renders events. Instead of reading all the modules in a directory, it would be better to load these from configuration. Then, modules could be distributed as browserify bundles, and distributed over ssb. Configuration could just be a list of hashes - but you could also disable specific sockets or plugs if necessary (leaving them unconnected). Then, that configuration could be shared over ssb! ## Running ``` npm install scuttlebot@latest -g # make sure you have secure-scuttlebutt@15.2.0 npm ls secure-scuttlebutt -g sbot server # if you are already running patchwork, that also works. # (must have at least >= 2.8) # then in another tab (these must be 3 separate commands) sbot plugins.install ssb-links sbot plugins.install ssb-query sbot plugins.install ssb-ws # restart sbot server (go back to previous tab and kill it) ``` now clone and run patchbay. ``` git clone https://github.com/dominictarr/patchbay.git cd patchbay npm install npm install electro electron-prebuilt -g npm run build electro index.js ``` ## modules patchbay uses [depject](http://github.com/dominictarr/depject) to manage it's modules. here is a graph of the current connections between them. (round shows module, square shows api, arrow direction points from user to provider) [module graph](./graph.svg) ## License MIT