const nest = require('depnest') const pull = require('pull-stream') const { h, Value, when } = require('mutant') = nest('') exports.needs = nest({ 'blob.sync.url': 'first', '': 'first' }) exports.create = (api) => { return nest('', blobPage) function blobPage (location) { const { blob } = location const isImage = Value() fetchMime() return h('Blob', { title: blob.slice(0, 9) + '...' }, [ when(isImage, h('img', { src: api.blob.sync.url(blob) }), h('iframe', { src: api.blob.sync.url(blob), sandbox: '' }) ), h('a', { href: api.blob.sync.url(blob), target: '_blank' }, 'Open in browser') ]) // helpers function fetchMime () { pull( => server.blobs.get(blob)), pull.take(1), pull.collect((err, data) => { if (err) throw err // dig into the headers and get the 'magic numbers' // mix: I copied this from the internet, it ight be terrible! const arr = (new Uint8Array(data[0])).subarray(0, 4) var header = '' for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) header += arr[i].toString(16) // console.log(header) switch (header) { case '89504e47': // 'image/png' return isImage.set(true) case '47494638': // 'image/gif' return isImage.set(true) case 'ffd8ffe0': case 'ffd8ffe1': case 'ffd8ffe2': case 'ffd8ffe3': case 'ffd8ffe8': // 'image/jpeg' return isImage.set(true) case 'ffd8ffdb': // 'image/???' return isImage.set(true) default: isImage.set(false) // type = 'unknown' // Or you can use the blob.type as fallback } }) ) } } }