const nest = require('depnest') const { h, computed, onceTrue, Value } = require('mutant') = nest({ 'app.html.settings': true }) exports.needs = nest({ 'about.html.image': 'first', '': 'first', 'app.html.settings': 'map', 'sbot.obs.connection': 'first', 'settings.obs.get': 'first', 'settings.sync.set': 'first' }) exports.create = function (api) { return nest({ 'app.html.settings': pubHopConnections }) function pubHopConnections () { const pubHopAll = 3 const pubHopConnections = api.settings.obs.get('patchbay.pubHopConnections', pubHopAll) const changeHopSettings = (ev) => { api.settings.sync.set({ patchbay: { pubHopConnections: parseInt( }}) alert("please restart patchbay for this to take effect") } let pubs = Value({}) const pubHopConnectionsText = computed([pubHopConnections], function(pubHopConnections) { pubHopConnections = parseInt(pubHopConnections) onceTrue(api.sbot.obs.connection, sbot => { if (pubHopConnections == pubHopAll) pubs.set([]) else sbot.friendPub.pubsWithinHops(pubHopConnections, (err, pubsInHops) => { pubs.set(pubsInHops) }) }) switch (pubHopConnections) { case 0: return "Own pub only" case 1: return "Pubs run by friends" case 2: return "Pubs run by friends of friends" default: // 3 return "All pubs" } }) function pubImageLink (id, ownerId) { return h('a', { href: id, title: computed([,], (name, ownerName) => { return '@' + name + ', owner ' + ownerName }) }, api.about.html.image(id)) } const pubsHtml = computed([pubs], function(pubs) { return Object.values(pubs).map(pub => pubImageLink(, pub.owner)) }) return { title: 'Pub within hops connections', body: h('FriendPub', [ h('div', [ 'Only connect to pubs run by a peer within a certain number of hops', h('input', { type: 'range', attributes: { list: 'datalist' }, min: 0, max: 3, value: pubHopConnections, 'ev-change': changeHopSettings }), h('datalist', { id: 'datalist' }, [ h('option', 0), h('option', 1), h('option', 2), h('option', 3)]), h('div', ["Current setting: ", pubHopConnectionsText]), h('div', pubsHtml) ]) ]) } } }