# sdash sdash is a personal gateway to the [scuttlebot](http://scuttlebot.io) distributed social network ![sdash](sdash.png) ### Install Scuttlebot ``` sudo npm install -g scuttlebot scuttlebot server ``` Next, request a Scuttlebot invite from [someone on the network](mailto:ev@evbogue.com) In another window ``` sbot plugins.install ssb-ws sbot plugins.install query sbot plugins.install links ``` And restart sbot after the plugins are installed using `ctrl-c` and `scuttlebot server` To launch sdash clone it down ``` sudo npm install -g git-ssb git clone ssb://%qrU04j9vfUJKfq1rGZrQ5ihtSfA4ilfY3wLy7xFv0xk=.sha256 sdash cd sdash npm install node index ``` and navigate to [http://localhost:7000](http://localhost:7000) ### Configure To show your own sdash page, replace `var me = '@8Qee0I/DwI5DHSCi3p5fsl6FyLGArrnDz3ox9qZr5Qc=.ed25519';` in `index.js` with your own public key To pin a post use the sbot command line `sbot publish --type pin --link ''`