# spaceship-bridge ## description this is a companion interface to [spaceship](https://github.com/du5t/spaceship/). the goal is to help contextualise the work there and enable graphical usage. ## how to run ### dev mode you'll need [lein](http://leiningen.org/#install) and [boot](https://github.com/boot-clj/boot) for a development environment, as well as [electron-prebuilt](https://github.com/mafintosh/electron-prebuilt) or something like it. once you've sorted those, run `boot watch dev-build` in the repo root directory, and while you've got that running, run `electron target/`. for console REPL access, run `boot repl -c` from the repo root directory, then eval `(start-repl)` once you've got a prompt. ### production according to [martin klepsch](https://github.com/martinklepsch/electron-and-clojurescript) on whose system this project is based, the way to package up an electron app is with [`electron-packager`](https://github.com/maxogden/electron-packager): ``` electron-packager target/ spaceship-bridge --platform=darwin --arch=x64 --version=0.31.2 ``` packaging up the whole ship, engines and all, is still in the works.