# git-ssb-web A web interface for git repos on [ssb][secure-scuttlebutt]. Public installations: - https://git.scuttlebot.io/ - https://git-ssb.celehner.com/ ## Install Requirements: - [ssb-server][] (previously known as [scuttlebot][]) - Connection to the [SSB network][Scuttlebutt] network - [ssb-npm-registry][] scuttlebot plugin Optional requirement: - [ssb-private][] scuttlebot plugin Install via ssb-npm: ``` npm install -g git-ssb-web --registry=http://localhost:8043/ ``` Or, if you also want the git remote helper and other goodies, install the [git-ssb][] suite: ``` npm install -g git-ssb --registry=http://localhost:8043/ ``` ## Usage NOTE: If you are running a modern version of Patchwork, and have installed `git-ssb-web`, it will **automatically be available at ** whenever you run Patchwork, and you do not need to start it separately. ``` git ssb web [] [] ``` `host` and `port` override the `host` and `port` settings from the config (described below), and default to `localhost:7718`. Options are passed to `ssb-config`, so e.g. `--public` sets config `{"public": true}`. ## Config `~/.ssb/config`: ``` { "public": false, "git-ssb-web": { "host": "", "port": 7718, "computeIssueCounts": false } } ``` top-level config options: - `public` (boolean): make the app not publish messages, so it is more suitable for public web hosting. Disables making digs or modifying issues, opening pull-requests, etc. `git-ssb-web` config options: - `host`: hostname to listen on. defaults to `localhost`. - `port`: port to listen on. defaults to `7718`. - `computeIssueCounts` (boolean): Calculate counts of open issues and pull requests to display in the navigation links of a repo. This involves an expensive query at startup. Default: `false`. ## Screenshots ![screenshot](&f2f7WFd2qr2aKd5DFvYKZgmeSdJ3rayqQg0DxwLSCRg=.sha256) Old screenshots: ![screenshot of a user's activity](&vwiireLhBl+SZYnkis8HqUQWNGByL6LKNaIbWqc/HDQ=.sha256) ![screenshot of a pull request](&jpNtxkObD1FDt+ZCBjrxrfuGwRR5Bv/iA8aPQVdrCVE=.sha256) [Scuttlebutt]: https://www.scuttlebutt.nz/ [scuttlebot]: https://scuttlebot.io/ [secure-scuttlebutt]: https://github.com/ssbc/secure-scuttlebutt [ssb-server]: https://github.com/ssbc/ssb-server [git-ssb]: %n92DiQh7ietE+R+X/I403LQoyf2DtR3WQfCkDKlheQU=.sha256 [ssb-npm-registry]: %pFqjcdVKHqsrtOjVEAVZeCF0iY4s+3Hr0vA3EFCq5UM=.sha256 [ssb-private]: %i/Ck3BU3P0xUAVIvtH6XKn8bNQWDNk2DdtteI5XNjDw=.sha256 ## License Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Charles Lehner and contributors Usage of the works is permitted provided that this instrument is retained with the works, so that any entity that uses the works is notified of this instrument. DISCLAIMER: THE WORKS ARE WITHOUT WARRANTY.